February 2016




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Sep. 17th, 2015


I've finally finished Orange is the New Black - I know, I know, Pepper you're late to the party. Looking for some recommendations for a new series to fill my very limited spare time.

By some small miracle both our schedules for this weekend are clear. We should take a mini vacation.

(( aka: Lydia(s), Felicity, Sara, Alex, Natasha, Torunn, Rae, Kira, Lila, Joey (and open to Allison), also filtered to Caitlin, I probs forgot someone, poke me if I did or just reply if you think they should be able to see it ))

I think we need a girls night in - wine (or vodka if you're Natasha), ice cream, some terrible romantic comedy we'll all claim to hate but secretly love. I imagine finding a night all of us are free would be a challenge but I'm sure we can make it happen.

I was sorry to see your post the other day. If there's anything I can do, please let me know.

Sep. 16th, 2015



So, how's your night going? Because mine has been insanely boring.

Sep. 14th, 2015


I think that this thing has finally stopped screwing with me for the moment.

Cleo and Rikki (I think that's your name--you're Cleo's friend) I am so sorry about the other day. And Maggie. And anybody else who got insanity posts from me.

Hey, how's it going? Are you doing okay?

Sep. 11th, 2015


filter to Hunts cast and crew past and present - rerouted to EVERYONE

How are you guys doing in spite of the filter madness?
[Message not sent. Recalibrated for honesty.]

I can't stand this dry spell. I need someone in my bed tonight.
[Message Sent]

What?? NO. I didn't SAY that!
[Message deleted.]

Sep. 3rd, 2015


How I missed you, Vancouver.

Aug. 29th, 2015


co-workers minus Joey

Okay, I made Joey this really delicious looking bundt cake and it's taking all of my willpower not to cave and embrace carb Heaven.


Deadly Women was like the worst choice of what to watch before bed.

I had nightmares about the crazy people on the damn show. I'm a grownass man who had nightmares about a TV show. What even is my life? Them people are nuts and terrifying, though!

Need to find a new default channel to watch that isn't fucking ID. Suggestions?

You ever need fuel to stay away from women that's the damn show to watch, jesus.

On another note you surviving, man? You been a damn bear

Aug. 27th, 2015


God, Tinder, don't ever change.

What's up cranky pants?

Aug. 26th, 2015



I've lost it. I've lost my magical touch with guys. Ugh. I thought I'd hit thirty before guys starting turning me down.

Aug. 22nd, 2015



Dancing was a lot of fun. We should do stuff more often!

Well, how's it going?

Aug. 19th, 2015


Here you go, Joey!

Are you happy now? I did it, I am on the network! Will you quit bugging me?

Aug. 18th, 2015


So, what's there to do in the 21st century, since you don't have hover boards yet?


Athletic Types

I need a good gym that is not also at my job. Any suggestions?



How's it going? You doing okay?

Aug. 17th, 2015


18+ (Against Judgies and Uninteresteds)

Long story short, I'm super bored and looking for some action. I turned 21 six days ago and if all works out, this will be my belated bday gift to me :). I'm not picky, dudes are preferable but dudettes are acceptable. Anyone interested in an obligation free good time?


Okay, I cannot believe someone else actually has the same obsession as I do about this. How does this not drive everyone crazy? Also, um... he and I drive the same car. I think he's the boy version of me in his universe.

Aug. 15th, 2015



I haven't seen you in a while.

Aug. 13th, 2015


I'm really bad at thi
So for those of you that don't know, I've been working at an orphanage in the city since I got here, and we're not doing great, financially. I don't know a lot of people around here and the ones I do know don't usually like me but we're in serious need of help. Some of these kids are a little rough, some of them are shy, but they're all great and they all deserve to be able to be somewhere. We're like the middle ground between them being left and them getting to a foster home or an adoptive family, and some kids end up spending a lot of time here.

We're insanely understaffed, a lot of the employees haven't really been getting paid but we stick around because it's the right thing to do, but the place can't close down. We're getting little to no funding, and every place that closes down around us ends up dropping their kids off here; we don't have the room or the facilities to make it all work. The program that we run doesn't just take care of kids in foster care and in the orphanage, we go out of our way to make sure that no one 'ages out' of protection. We go out of our way to make sure that they all get into a high school and graduate which is a little ironic because I never did but that's beside the point and if we don't get funding soon, we're going to have to stop doing that.

Five bucks. A dollar. Anything. I'll clean your car for you.

Aug. 12th, 2015


You are all so welcome. It's a little NSFW, don't say I didn't warn you.

I wanted to thank you again for helping me find this place, you're amazing. If there's anything I can do for you just let me know.

Aug. 11th, 2015


Law Enforcement Types

Hey, I'm Mira. Back home I worked alongside the police kinda sometimes, helping track down fugitives and such and bringing them back to you guys. But I'm not at home anymore so I'm out of work, which I'd like to fix. Are you hiring?

[18+ (for people who like to have a good time)]
Who wants to explore weird dimension cities with me?

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