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Dec. 16th, 2015


[ At 5:18pm PST/8:189pm EST, this video will play for all. ]

( tl;dr: Back in the museum of Vas Captio [and yes, it looks identical to the one the other incarnations of Vas folk would have known] , Sam and Shannon Winchester start to have an awkward dual apology session when an earthquake strikes, collapsing the roof of the museum in on them, knocking a display case onto Sam and rendering him unconscious while impaling Shannon with a broken floorboard. Shannon has an asthma attack while reviving Sam and picking glass out of his clothes and hair and Sam pulls the broken floorboard out of Shannon's side while she applies pressure and he plucks out splinters. They share their first kiss, relieved that they both survived it and he helps her out of the rubble and onto the road before telling her he has to go find his brother and Andy and she has to stay awake and keep pressure on her wound. )


[ At 9:26pm PST/12:26am EST this video will play. ]

Dec. 15th, 2015


Voice Posted to everyone

Okay, so I think it is pretty safe to say that I'm stuck here. Well, we're all stuck here, and it's NOT for the U.N. which is a total bummer. But that being said I think it's time to get organized and find a job. I haven't not worked in a long time. This could be the longest, and I've already made way too many binders - wait, what am I saying?! There's no such thing as too many binders. I need to hit the office supply place soon - I ran out of colored tabs.

But plans - here's what I want to do:

1) Find a job preferably in government.
2) Totally rock at the job.
3) Get promoted in job.
4) Visit the U.N.
5) Move in with Ann.
6) Get a job at the U.N.
7) Get promoted in said job at the U.N.
8) Visit iHop again. Stiles? Caroline? Care to join?
9) Help with Andy's Christmas party idea.
10) Bake for said Christmas party.
11) Reach out to the Mayor and ask if he knows about random people being transported here.
12) Find a way to work with the Mayor, if possible.
13) Catch a Broadway show.
14) Visit the U.N. again because it's the U.N.

So I would prefer those to be in order, but I understand if that's not possible because of how things work, or don't work here. Seriously, who's in charge of stuff because I can help with getting them straight.

Dec. 1st, 2015


Merde, elle a trouvé Dora l'exploratrice et Go Diego Go sur Youtube. FML I hate this franchise with a burning passion. I hope Baby Jaguar eats her next time she visits Deigo.

[ooc: hover for translation.]

Nov. 20th, 2015


10 minutes of posing for my son, and finally my portrait is finished. I think he really captured my essence.

Nov. 18th, 2015


Never going to IKEA again, I always knew that place was bad news -
Kidnapping day two and if things weren't already weird enough apparently my parents are fictional and dead in one case and I don't exist, joy -. So there's that. So much for Google, there are some things a girl should not have to see about her Dad and her Uncle. People suck. So is this really it, we all just sort of hang around until we get sent home. Because that doesn't work for me, I can't be here alone, it's not a good idea - They could have at least sent me with my PS4 because I can see sitting around waiting to get sent home getting boring real quick.

Nov. 11th, 2015



Well. I might not have my husband, but my daughter's a pretty big help.

If anybody can see this besides Caroline and Derek, hi, I'm Shannon. Do we have a club yet? There should be a club.


Accidental Video Post

[Hyperventilation as he grabs his tablet and rushes out of the strip club wearing only a man-thong and about 40 singles. He didn't realize that he hit the "on" button. He's sweaty and clutches at his chest. It feels like he's dying. Heart attack or something, probably.]

Nov. 2nd, 2015




Is this thing on?


You've got to be fucking kidding me, I have to do this again? Sam? Dean? I swear to God if I have to do this alone, I'm going to lose it ...Sere and JB? Anybody? Check in, please.