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Sep. 2nd, 2015


Against kids

[She's usually better than this. She's getting sloppy. She'd like to blame her new sleep cycle, or lack there of, but these people still take her off guard more than they should. As much as she loves her job, she's the first to admit that she's been dropping the ball lately, even if the station is grateful for her help. The right side of her face is swollen and discolored and the globs of foundation she smeared on it doesn't go a long way to hide it.]
Is anyone interested in a sparring partner?

[Women who wear makeup]
Please teach me your ways. I'll pay you.

Sep. 1st, 2015



[*the one she talks to forward dated to 2am when mun will def be asleep.]

Aug. 24th, 2015


So funny story, I was going on my 2am run through Central Park and I saw that this new comedy club opened. A little backstory, like a week ago my buddy and I were joking about becoming a really terrible comedic duo and being so horrendous, it would be funny and then we'd ride that flame to fame. Anyway, last night was the grand opening and they had an open mic night, so naturally I had to try it out just to say I tried it. I opened with something light "I just ran in from Central Park and boy are my legs tired." And crickets. So I tried some other awesome zingers like "I love microwaves because they can prepare a full meal of steak, mashed potatoes, and peas within seconds; imagine how fast a regular wave can do it". I was boo'd. There go my dreams of being a comedian.

Aug. 23rd, 2015


I was not at all prepared for what I was walking past when I decided to take a walk.

Aug. 19th, 2015


These guys are hilarious! Has anyone else heard of this band before? They made another song, it was so cute. It was about the sound foxes make or something. I'm dying. Their songs are so catchy.. I wish there were yogurt places open at his hour.

Aug. 18th, 2015


Open Spam (Open to Multiple)

[They say it's bad luck to fuck before a fight, but she doesn't regret her birthday gift to herself or the several others she'll be getting over the course of the week. She winces at the welt on her eye as she pulls her hair back in a tight ponytail, comforted only by the fact that she'd at least come out on the winning end. She should invest in some coverup but she really doesn't know how to use the stuff...she'll have to invest in a beauty magazine too. She stuffs half of her winnings in her pocket, which should be enough for breakfast and with hope, some makeup for her eye, and then takes off on her morning run through the streets of NYC.]

Aug. 17th, 2015


18+ (Against Judgies and Uninteresteds)

Long story short, I'm super bored and looking for some action. I turned 21 six days ago and if all works out, this will be my belated bday gift to me :). I'm not picky, dudes are preferable but dudettes are acceptable. Anyone interested in an obligation free good time?


Okay, I cannot believe someone else actually has the same obsession as I do about this. How does this not drive everyone crazy? Also, um... he and I drive the same car. I think he's the boy version of me in his universe.

Aug. 11th, 2015


Law Enforcement Types

Hey, I'm Mira. Back home I worked alongside the police kinda sometimes, helping track down fugitives and such and bringing them back to you guys. But I'm not at home anymore so I'm out of work, which I'd like to fix. Are you hiring?

[18+ (for people who like to have a good time)]
Who wants to explore weird dimension cities with me?

Aug. 10th, 2015


Holy shit.