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Dec. 15th, 2015


Voice Posted to everyone

Okay, so I think it is pretty safe to say that I'm stuck here. Well, we're all stuck here, and it's NOT for the U.N. which is a total bummer. But that being said I think it's time to get organized and find a job. I haven't not worked in a long time. This could be the longest, and I've already made way too many binders - wait, what am I saying?! There's no such thing as too many binders. I need to hit the office supply place soon - I ran out of colored tabs.

But plans - here's what I want to do:

1) Find a job preferably in government.
2) Totally rock at the job.
3) Get promoted in job.
4) Visit the U.N.
5) Move in with Ann.
6) Get a job at the U.N.
7) Get promoted in said job at the U.N.
8) Visit iHop again. Stiles? Caroline? Care to join?
9) Help with Andy's Christmas party idea.
10) Bake for said Christmas party.
11) Reach out to the Mayor and ask if he knows about random people being transported here.
12) Find a way to work with the Mayor, if possible.
13) Catch a Broadway show.
14) Visit the U.N. again because it's the U.N.

So I would prefer those to be in order, but I understand if that's not possible because of how things work, or don't work here. Seriously, who's in charge of stuff because I can help with getting them straight.

Dec. 4th, 2015



Hey, we should have a Christmas party. April and I are so good at parties. You wanna?

Dec. 3rd, 2015


[Video Post]

Um... so I have no idea why I'm in New York, but I'm betting it's something super awesome! Am I being inducted as an honorary United Nations ambassador because I can totally see that. I mean, the Harvest Festival was a success and why wouldn't they want me to help with the world! Plus, I was in model U.N. in high school. They must have heard about how awesome I was at that as well.

This is so exciting! I mean, waking up in a hotel in New York is unexpected because it's kind of like I was abducted but not really because it's the United Nations so it's for the good of mankind, and no one's going to press charges against the United Nations, [half-whisper] I really don't think you can... [speaks normally] Anyway!

Totally excited to be here! The note said I should say hello. Is this a private, United Nations network? If so, Gutentaag! Bonjour! Hamjambo! And hello, of course!

Oh! I'm Leslie Knope. It's nice to meet you all, fellow ambassadors.