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Dec. 20th, 2015


[ At 10:46pm PST/1:46am EST, this video will play for all. ]

(ooc: sorry about the quality, y'all, I got lazy looking for the source material, not even gonna lie about it )

Dec. 15th, 2015


[At 8pm PST/11 pm EST THIS VIDEO will play for anybody who isn't under the age of 16.]


[ At 7:10pm PST/ 10:10pm EST, this video will play. ]

Dec. 3rd, 2015



Patty just had an awesome idea and I think you should all do this. I'm just saying. Go sign up now. If there really is a record to break, we're breaking it. I don't care if I have to buy your presents for you.

[ooc: *anyone she's ever been friendly with, including coworkers]

Dec. 1st, 2015


Not a bad way to start the week if I do say so myself.
[ attached to the post is a photo of her hand against the keyboard on her desk with this ring on her finger. ]

Nov. 28th, 2015


WHAT, that just happened! Oh, my God. Oh, yeah...I could get used to this.

You guys, I'm pretty sure I just teleported. Without the portal. By myself. ...and by pretty sure I mean I totally fucking did. This place is nearly never awesome but right now? So, so awesome.

Oct. 20th, 2015



This is the part where you all give me your exact location.

Thea, Felicity, I'm coming to get you.

Oct. 16th, 2015


Some guy wearing a red t-shirt with The Flash symbol just came up to me and asked if I'd give him a "full physical."

I am a Biomedical Engineer, asshole.

Oct. 10th, 2015


I need something to do on Tuesdays.

And Wednesdays.


Sep. 26th, 2015


...I just literally was tackled by a stranger. I'm not fucking Dylan O'Brien, you psychotic hormonal teenage nightmare; get off me. Then replace my girlfriend's coffee, which you've caused me to spill all over myself. Thank God she asked for an iced latte this morning, Jesus...

Dylan O'Brien, if ever you break the fourth wall and show up on this network, I want you to know that I hate you with the burning fury of six thousand suns and I hate your fans even more than that.

What a shitty way to start my goddamn day.

Sep. 17th, 2015


I've finally finished Orange is the New Black - I know, I know, Pepper you're late to the party. Looking for some recommendations for a new series to fill my very limited spare time.

By some small miracle both our schedules for this weekend are clear. We should take a mini vacation.

(( aka: Lydia(s), Felicity, Sara, Alex, Natasha, Torunn, Rae, Kira, Lila, Joey (and open to Allison), also filtered to Caitlin, I probs forgot someone, poke me if I did or just reply if you think they should be able to see it ))

I think we need a girls night in - wine (or vodka if you're Natasha), ice cream, some terrible romantic comedy we'll all claim to hate but secretly love. I imagine finding a night all of us are free would be a challenge but I'm sure we can make it happen.

I was sorry to see your post the other day. If there's anything I can do, please let me know.

Sep. 14th, 2015



Can we like...please have a pajamas and wings night? We haven't had one in forever and I really need a break from the unintentional verbal abuse. I know she doesn't mean it and she can't help it, but it's like...kind of taking a toll and I need a breather... I'll buy.

Sep. 11th, 2015


I'm sick of this. It needs to stop, how can we have so many computer geniuses here and no one can make this stop?

Sep. 9th, 2015


I'm really bored. And I'm so tired of sitting around on computers! I just want to live in my sweats and tennis shoes and workout like a beast. Maybe work on my archery or pick up a new hobby. Skydiving sounds like a lot of fun.

Oh my god
I didn't even try to post this
And I hate heights
I don't even like working out
I wasn't even trying to post to anyone

What are the best dangerous sports because I'm kind of an adrenaline junkie?

I don't want to see you this weekend. I already see you too much at work and I need a break. We spend way too much time together!

That is the opposite of what I want
I don't want to say that

I don't want to drink wine with you, or craft beer, and have a nice dinner because that's lame.
Oh my frack
I was trying to ask you to dinner this weekend

I actually hate wine and alcohol. I even hate eating at nice places like that. I prefer living off of McDonalds. Or Taco Bell.

[OOC: Pooor Felicity is a box of lies right now, sorry not sorry.]

Aug. 30th, 2015


I think shopping for a new pair of heels counted toward extra walking for my workout routine today.

Right? Someone tell me that I can count that? Because it's much easier to motivate myself for shoe shopping than it is for the actual workout process. And I didn't even do it online, I think that makes it definitely count.

I got several pairs too, so I'm calling it a shopping victory and a successful Felicity's Lazy Sunday. I don't normally talk in the third person, but it seemed fitting for that particular moment.

Could I talk you into burgers and a movie, maybe? Burgers being optional and interchangeable? Food and an activity of some sort would also be acceptable. I'm not saying that I am easy, but I am flexible and not in the physical way, though I'm not inflexible there either. You get what I mean, obviously.

Aug. 21st, 2015


Goddamn, I love 8tracks.com and the phone app for it. Hmm, self, what do I want to listen to tonight while I can't fall back asleep? No idea, self, let's just search "sleepy". What's that, self? 6,625 SLEEPY PLAYLISTS come back for the results and they're all music I've never heard so I won't feel inclined to stay up jamming to it? Nailed it.

Seriously, if you haven't ever used this, you should. It's amazing. You can search by artist, genre, mood, fandom, characters; any random keywords at all. Just...you know, don't search yourself. I got seven hits for me including me/Lydia what the fuck? Going to assume that's because I look like Stiles and nothing more and I'm not a big deal in my movie. So, heads up for that.

There. That was my good deed for the day. It's after midnight in NYC, right, so that means I don't have to be nice to people tomorrow at work?

Aug. 12th, 2015


That moment when you're pretty sure you're being trolled by artificial intelligence. I c wut u did, thar, JARVIS. Can't a guy just be in a good mood?

S.T.A.R. Labs
I fixed the bug that was causing interference with the comm systems this morning, so Barry's suit should be all yours now with no more weird blips. Sorry about that, I thought I had it before but it's good now, for sure.

Aug. 8th, 2015


..This isn't Starling City.


I don't know why I find this article so glorious except it's totally because it makes a celebrity look like a dipshit and that's my favorite thing ever; celebrities being made out to look stupid af, but it is.

You wanna go to the beach today?

Aug. 2nd, 2015


WHO: Felicity Smoak & Stuart Levy
WHERE: Huntington Beach
WHEN: Backdated to Thursday, Aug 30th.
WHAT: Making things official
STATUS: Closed, Complete

She said, “I know your type: too afraid to let go, so you play it safe and you go it alone... If I told you that I feel the same way, though, would you stay a while?Read more... )

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