February 2016




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Jan. 14th, 2016


So I wanted to catch you all up on what I've been doing, and why I've been so quiet. It's so unlike me, and I apologize. But I do have a good reason and that is...


I am currently kicking major ass in my job. They all love my ideas and my enthusiasm. Can you believe they don't get to work until 7 am? I'm already there at the office by 4, and I've gotten most of everyone else's job done for the day. Yeah, they're total slackers, and I'm whipping them into shape. I'm not the Director (yet) or the Deputy Director (yet), but it's only a matter of time. This is the big leagues. You either get swinging or go home packing.

Also, wanted to thank everyone for coming to the Christmas and New Year's parties. They were a hit, and I'm thinking the next party will have to be on Martin Luther King Jr's birthday (next Monday for anyone that doesn't have a calendar with them).

What else, what else... there's just so much.

Oh! I'm also organizing a trip to the UN for anyone that's interested in coming. I can tell you all about the history - I know more than their tour guides. I know. I checked.

Jan. 12th, 2016


Bleh, now I'm like addicted to animal crackers. Way to go, Thor.

Jan. 5th, 2016



I really like my new job. Thank you for telling me about April.

Jan. 2nd, 2016


April Ludgate

Hi. One of the people that work for you told me you might be looking for someone to help look after cats? I need a job and I'm really good at looking after cats. My name is Brittany.

Dec. 24th, 2015


Hi and happy Christmas Eve to everyone who still believes in the jolly old elf himself, Santa Claus. I'm Brittany Susan Pierce and I'm looking for a job. I'm sixteen. I'm really good at making fondue and I love cats. Sometimes I make fondue for my cat Lord Tubbington. It would really make my Christmas a merry one if in a few days I found myself with a job. I'm running out of things to feed the pigeons.

Thank you for your time.

Dec. 23rd, 2015


Teens 16+

By a show of hands, who here is willing to buy breakfast for a stranger? For research.

Dec. 15th, 2015


[At 7:43 this video will play on all devices.]


Voice Posted to everyone

Okay, so I think it is pretty safe to say that I'm stuck here. Well, we're all stuck here, and it's NOT for the U.N. which is a total bummer. But that being said I think it's time to get organized and find a job. I haven't not worked in a long time. This could be the longest, and I've already made way too many binders - wait, what am I saying?! There's no such thing as too many binders. I need to hit the office supply place soon - I ran out of colored tabs.

But plans - here's what I want to do:

1) Find a job preferably in government.
2) Totally rock at the job.
3) Get promoted in job.
4) Visit the U.N.
5) Move in with Ann.
6) Get a job at the U.N.
7) Get promoted in said job at the U.N.
8) Visit iHop again. Stiles? Caroline? Care to join?
9) Help with Andy's Christmas party idea.
10) Bake for said Christmas party.
11) Reach out to the Mayor and ask if he knows about random people being transported here.
12) Find a way to work with the Mayor, if possible.
13) Catch a Broadway show.
14) Visit the U.N. again because it's the U.N.

So I would prefer those to be in order, but I understand if that's not possible because of how things work, or don't work here. Seriously, who's in charge of stuff because I can help with getting them straight.

Dec. 7th, 2015


Do you think Santa is going to know I'm not going to be in Ohio this Christmas? I hope he doesn't think I'm still back there. What if he stops there and I'm not there to leave him cookies and milk? He's going to feel so shafted.

Dec. 4th, 2015


I kind of always knew there was another world on the other end of a rainbow, but I didn't know it was New York City. Why would people fly here? It's so much cheaper to just take a rainbow. I'm still looking for the pot of gold, though.


Awesome things I've done in the last twenty-four hours:
  1. Slept more than four hours.
  2. Finished my Christmas shopping, minus Secret Santa, which I guess I'm doing?
  3. Bought Leslie Knope and Ann Perkins breakfast in the middle of the night.
  4. ...wait for it, here's the best: applied for the Fall 2016 semester at NYU for Criminal Justice.

Cross your fingers for me on that last one. All in all, I'd say it was a pretty productive span of time, no?

[ooc: JJ & Nina, I'm going off the Stiles/Leslie convo set from last night, I hope that's okaaaay, let me know if it isn't.]