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Dec. 4th, 2015



Hey, we should have a Christmas party. April and I are so good at parties. You wanna?

Dec. 3rd, 2015


[Video Post]

Um... so I have no idea why I'm in New York, but I'm betting it's something super awesome! Am I being inducted as an honorary United Nations ambassador because I can totally see that. I mean, the Harvest Festival was a success and why wouldn't they want me to help with the world! Plus, I was in model U.N. in high school. They must have heard about how awesome I was at that as well.

This is so exciting! I mean, waking up in a hotel in New York is unexpected because it's kind of like I was abducted but not really because it's the United Nations so it's for the good of mankind, and no one's going to press charges against the United Nations, [half-whisper] I really don't think you can... [speaks normally] Anyway!

Totally excited to be here! The note said I should say hello. Is this a private, United Nations network? If so, Gutentaag! Bonjour! Hamjambo! And hello, of course!

Oh! I'm Leslie Knope. It's nice to meet you all, fellow ambassadors.

Dec. 1st, 2015


I just found a really great health food place in Brooklyn Heights - all kinds of interesting, organic, fresh groceries. They even have Agave syrup smoothies. Chris would go crazy. I miss- Stop. Uh, even if you're not into that sort of stuff they have a heap of amazing smelling essential oils.

Anyway. So, how many of you guys found work in NYC after you woke up here? I think I'm going to spend everything I have on candles go a little stir crazy if I don't have something to keep me busy.


Uh, hi guys. How are ..things there?

Nov. 17th, 2015


[Video post]


[Ann's now peering curiously at her device, nose slightly wrinkled, trying and failing to look a lot less concerned than she clearly is – after all she read that letter.]

This has got to be one of those things where they film you reacting to some weird, crazy scenario- practical joke type thing, right?

[There's a small stutter of an awkward laugh. She pauses, looking gradually more worried.]

Kidnapping people completely unaware seems kinda extreme even for reality television.