February 2016




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Nov. 18th, 2015


Who: Alex Udinov and Zachariah Kane
What: Taking out some thugs, because that's how they both apparently roll
When: Wednesday night!
Where: NYC, some sketchy part
Rating/Warnings: Violence
Status: Thread/In-Progress

this is my fight song Read more... )

Nov. 2nd, 2015


The Doctor Finds A Wall

Who: The Doctor and OPEN
What: Looking for a spot to make a very important phone call
Where: The lobby of the Brooklyn apartments
When: Monday 11/1 around 2PM

Read more... )

Sep. 12th, 2015


comment spam for Lila and Nate, set eeeearly this morning )

Sep. 9th, 2015


Spam for Lily

[He likes walking around the quiet parts of the city that remind him most of home. He's never sure whether he misses it or if he just misses his girls, maybe both. He wishes they could've met Lily, she's kind of like Jess and Ari together in one.

He picks up his kill of the day and decides to visit his new friend. About half way through he starts to regret his decision as he shuffles through the crowded campus with his hand wrapped tightly on the gun tucked in his jeans. The loudness makes him increasingly nervous and twitchy until he makes it inside the music building where he knows she'll be. He tugs the hoodie off of his now damp with sweat hair and lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding. The hall is quieter than he thought it would be. He peeks through the little windows on the classrooms until a voice catches his attention. Her voice. She sounds like an angel. He walks to towards the sound and watches her sing through the window so he won't disturb her.]

Sep. 7th, 2015


WHO: Rae Thorsdottir & Stiles Stilinski
WHERE: Her apartment
WHEN: Late night, 9/6, after Thor’s arrival
WHAT: Post-drop of the L word
WARNINGS: Fluff; some suggestive adult behavior but in fade to black style.
STATUS: Closed, Complete

And I thought it was strange you said everything changed. You felt as if you'd just woke up. Read more... )

Sep. 6th, 2015


Six Flags Action Spam! (Threads here)

[The sun is bright, the air is warm, the park is buzzing with life. The gang wanders Six Flags in pairs or in a group enjoying the carefree summer life, if only just for one more day.]

Sep. 4th, 2015


WHO: (Nemeton)Joey McCoy & (canon)Derek Hale
WHERE: Their house
WHEN: Late evening into night time, Thursday, 9/3
WHAT: Pregnancy scare discussion
WARNINGS: I think the what kinda covers it.
STATUS: Closed, Complete

I will never let you fall. I’ll stand up with you forever. I’ll be there with you through it all. Read more... )

Aug. 19th, 2015


Who: Alpha Lydia
What: Narrative
When: 3AM
Where: Beach
Rating/Warnings: Self pity, kind of?
Status: Closed/Complete

You figured me out? That I’m lost and I’m hopeless. Read more... )

Aug. 11th, 2015


Who: Captain Carter and Agent Barnes
What: Adventuring, catching up
Where: NYC, their old brownstone
When: Afternoon, 11 August
Status: Threaded, Incomplete

he felt almost on top of the world )


WHO: Sara Lance & Captain America Bucky Barnes
WHERE: NYC, coffee shop
WHEN: Friday August 7
WHAT: Meeting for the first time
STATUS: Complete

witty and/or meaning text that I can't think of right now here )

Aug. 9th, 2015



[Forward dated to about 2:00 am. She had fun at the party, but seeing Dave so okay and over her when she's so stuck on him is tearing her apart. She's not even sure why she keeps on drinking when she's sad these days, she's never really been much of a drinker in the past, and these days every time she drinks she ends up doing something she regrets. She's probably going to regret this, actually...]
Come over.

Aug. 8th, 2015


comment spam for James & Amelia )

Aug. 2nd, 2015


WHO: Felicity Smoak & Stuart Levy
WHERE: Huntington Beach
WHEN: Backdated to Thursday, Aug 30th.
WHAT: Making things official
STATUS: Closed, Complete

She said, “I know your type: too afraid to let go, so you play it safe and you go it alone... If I told you that I feel the same way, though, would you stay a while?Read more... )

Jul. 26th, 2015


Who: Natasha Romanoff & Steve Rogers
What: Doing things, getting engaged type things
When: Sunday morning
Where: Their room
Rating/Warnings: It's a little ridiculous, actually it's a lot ridiculous
Status: Complete!

and I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you Read more... )

Jul. 25th, 2015


WHO: Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon & Barry Allen
WHERE: Avengers Tower, meeting room
WHEN: Friday Night
WHAT: Barry returns from his mission, Team Flash Reunion!
STATUS: Closed, Complete

We find out what we’re made of when we’re called to help our friends in need. Read more... )

Jul. 22nd, 2015


WHO: Caitlin Snow & Cisco Ramon
WHERE: Apartment Building, NYC
WHEN: Wednesday afternoon, 7/22
WHAT: Arrival
STATUS: Closed, Complete

Falling in the black, slipping through the cracks. Falling to the depths, can I ever go back? Read more... )

Jul. 17th, 2015


comment spam for ickle Dave Trumann )

Jul. 14th, 2015


WHO: Barry Allen and Lydia Martin
WHERE: Lydia's bedroom
WHAT: Age plot
STATUS: Closed, Completed

You’re some kind of beautiful stranger. You could be good for me.Read more... )


WHO: Tim Murphy & (canon) Derek Hale
WHERE: Derek’s apartment
WHEN: Tuesday morning
WHAT: Age plot
WARNINGS: Language
STATUS: Closed, Complete

There’s a road, long and winding. The lights are blinding, but it gets there. Read more... )

Jul. 7th, 2015



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