Aug. 16th, 2010


Fic: The White Room 1/1 Mag 7/La Femme Nikita

Title: The White Room
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own The Magnificent Seven or La Femme Nikita.
Characters: Vin, Madeline, Chris.
AU: Le Homme Vin - Open.
Words: 1101
Fandom: The Magnificent Seven/La Femme Nikita
Pairing: N/A
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Language
Summary: Framed for murder, Vin awakens in a new type of prison.
Author's Note: Crossover, not a fusion.
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Feb. 23rd, 2009


Fic: La Femme Niki 1/1 Heroes/La Femme Nikita

Title: La Femme Niki
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own Heroes or La Femme Nikita.
Characters: Niki, D.L., Linderman, Angela
Words: 729
Prompt: Spies
Fandom: Heroes/La Femme Nikita
Pairing: Niki/D.L.
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Language.
Summary: One night, she was taken from her cell to a place called Section One.
Author's Note: Fusion with La Femme Nikita.
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Dec. 20th, 2008


"Understand Me" 1/1 Fic: La Femme Nikita

Title: “Understand Me”
Fandom: La Femme Nikita
Author: Tabakat originally posted as codename: Tabitha
Rating: G
Pairing: Nikita/Michael
Summary: Nikita lets jealousy and insecurity make her misinterpret situations that really should be obvious to her by now.
Spoilers: For the entire Show S1-5.
Disclaimer: I do not own La Femme Nikita. This is made for fun not profit. The author of this work of completely fictional unauthorized fannish work will has not and will not make any monetary gain off this work. While I in no way claim copyright to the show, or its creations or entities. I do claim copyright to this original piece.Read more... )


"Of Friends and Favors" 1/1 La Femme Nikita

Title: “OF Friends and Favors”
Fandom: La Femme Nikita
Author: Tabakat originally posted as codename: Tabitha
Rating: G
Pairing: General Nikita/Michael if you wish
Summary: Old Protégées answer the call of their trainers all around.
Spoilers: For the entire Show S1-5
Author Note: The characters of the Section Eight team are not original characters, but characters created within the show itself.
Disclaimer: I do not own La Femme Nikita. This is made for fun not profit. The author of this work of completely fictional unauthorized fannish work will has not and will not make any monetary gain off this work. While I in no way claim copyright to the show, or its creations or entities. I do claim copyright to this original piece.
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November 2015




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