December 30th, 2008

[info]i_want_2 in [info]multi_fiction

Fic: Hath Come Undone 1/1 The Magnificent Seven

Title: Hath Come Undone
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own Magnificent Seven.
Characters: Josiah, Vin.
Words: 1171
Prompt: Josiah/Vin together, OW.
Fandom: Magnificent Seven
Pairing: Josiah/Vin
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Language.
Summary: Who's the bigger fool: the one who loves, or the one who denies love?
Written For: For Fantasyenabler
Author's Note: Missing scene from 'The Collector'.
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[info]sdk in [info]multi_fiction

Fic: Never Say Never

Title: Never Say Never
Author's Name: [info]sdk
Fandom/Characters: Alles Was Zählt, Marian/Nadja
Rating: PG-13
Length/Word Count: Ficlet, 456 words
Summary: Marian's hoping Nadja will make an exception.
Notes: After watching the end of ep316, this idea wouldn't leave me alone until I wrote it down, and thus I ended up with this little ficlet. If you don't want to watch the linked clip, all you really need to know is that Nadja dressed up as a maid to save Marian from getting in trouble with the police. Yes, Alles Was Zählt is a soap.
Disclaimer: The following is based on fictional characters that I don't own doing fictional things in a fictional world that I didn't create. No copyright infringement intended, no money's being made.

Never Say Never

[info]i_want_2 in [info]multi_fiction

Weekly Promotion Challenge: Happy New Year

This week there won't be a weekly promotion challenge. Due to the exhaustion of last month, the celebration of New Year, and all the hectic day to day stuff of people returning from holiday, we are giving you a week to recover before we begin again.

A schedule for this month:


Monday 5th - The Magnificent Seven (TV Series)
Monday 12th - Anne of Green Gables (Book Series)
Monday 19th - Chuck (TV Series)
Monday 26th - Discworld (Book Series)

Brush up on these fandoms if you wish to participate. We will have a week's worth of daily prompts for each one to inspire our writers. Each person who participates will get that week's icon for their very own. Participation is by writing a drabble or larger for the prompt or by posting a fic in that fandom within the promotional week. Remember, the fic must be posted Midnight, Monday EST.

November 2015



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