Aug. 18th, 2008


Mod Post - JSYK

This Sunday I will be going away for vacation, it hasn't been worked out when we will be back, so new prompts next week will be posted on Friday instead of Thursday. And remember that this is a bi-week, so come midnight on Saturday for anyone who couldn't participate last week or who wants to finish you can write! Same rules apply of course :)

Aug. 9th, 2008



First of all welcome to all of you who have decided to join! As you may have read, this is based on the hp_ficathon which has been inactive for almost a year now. We are different in that we offer a chance for all fandoms and original fiction writers to participate, as well as the fact that the prompts carry over to the next week. We began on Livejournal a month ago, and are still active, but I thought it would be nice to have a sister comm on IJ as well.

Our first challenge here at IJ will begin this Thursday (8/14), remember though, writing doesn't start until Saturday 12am, no matter the time zone. As long as it's 12am where you are, you may start writing. Writing stops on Sunday at 12am. You'll have all day Sunday to post the fic, though you may of course post throughout Saturday as well.

All characters and pairings are welcome, please be sure to include all necessary information when posting a fic (spoilers/warnings/etc). If you need a refresher, you can find the rules here as well as a sample header.

If for whatever reason you do not finish the prompts this week, you may go back next Saturday and write for them. Same rules apply, of course. You do not have to post directly to the community, they are your fics afterall, you may put them where you like with a link back.

Please be sure to tag your fics after you've posted them with the corresponding tag. Tags will go by date, for example this coming week's set will be 8/14/08. Author and fandom tags will be created once fics begin to come in. If you would like to see an example, feel free to check out the livejournal community here.

Any questions feel free to leave a comment to this post, there is also a post for questions as well as suggestions for prompts here. So that's it for now, hope the prompts work out for you and I'll see you all on Saturday!