Jan. 25th, 2009


September 22, 1976 - Hopeful

Who: Bellatrix, Voldemort
Where: The Dark Lord's residence
When: Dinner time
Rating: R?  *eyes Bella*

Status: Closed, ongoing
Summary:They had  Mmm, messed up defaults....

Jan. 21st, 2009


September 21, 1976 - Of Treasure and Masks

Who: Voldemort, Bellatrix
Where: His residence
When: Late afternoon
Rating: PG-13

Status: Closed, completed
Summary: Voldemort invites Bella over to discuss her recent exploits, and he debates giving her one of his horcruxes for safe keeping. Deciding he will, he invites her to dinner the next evening, and sends her off with instructions on what to wear next time.

His magpie-like behavior ... )

Dec. 29th, 2008


Recruiting Efforts (August 29, 1976)

Who: Voldemort, Melissandre
Where: the Flint resident
When: August 29, 1976

Badgers have their uses )

Dec. 24th, 2008


What Feels Like Home - August 24th, 1976

Who: Sirius, James
Where: Potter House
When: 8/24/76, late evening
Rating: PG
Invasion: Anyone likely to be at the Potters'

Status: Open, ongoing
Summary: Coming soon to a thread near you!

Dec. 22nd, 2008


Plotting and Planning - August 23, 1976

Who: Voldemort, Bellatrix
Where: his residence
When: Evening, 8/23
Rating: PG-13

Status: Closed, completed
Summary: While contemplating a more cohesive plan for domination of the wizarding world, Voldemort teaches Bellatrix a new spell he drummed up, conflagro draconis - which produces dragon fire. Amidst some sexual tension, Voldemort guides her through the wand motions before encouraging her to find some targets to practice on.

Look at the people hiding from the red raindrops // while earthquakes shake the broken timber of this burning town )