September 18th, 2007

[info]deliriumbubbles in [info]mpreg

REC: That's My Baby

Title: That's My Baby
Fandom: Legion of Superheroes
Pairing: Lyle/Brainy
Rating: PG
Summary: Brainy decides it’s high time he passed on his genetic genius. He probably should have talked to Lyle about it first, and he definitely shouldn’t have mixed up the Petri dishes.

Reccer's Comments: Short, cute, and tongue in cheek.

[info]deliriumbubbles in [info]mpreg

FIC: A wealth of mpreg

Title: Movie Night
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Clex!
Warnings: Futurefic
Summary: Movie Night at the Luthor penthouse.

Title: Smother
Pairing: Clex!
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Through S3
Warnings: dark, au
Summary: Darkness threatens to intrude on Lex’s happy family life.

Title: Kick
Rating: G
Pairing: Clex
Summary: It kicked.
Spoilers: Through S2 Shatter

Title: Practical Lessons in Luthor Family Gift Giving
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Clex, maybe a hint of Tim/Kon
Spoilers: Through S3, references Kon but other than that no comic spoilers
Warnings: AU, future, angst
Summary: It’s Christmas, and Lex is Jewish, Atheist, and pregnant with twins. Even worse, the in-laws are staying over for the holidays. Woobie!

Title: The Social Event of the Year
Pairing: Clex
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A party at LexCorp plaza is disrupted by a magical spell designed to keep Superman from getting out to save the day. Unfortunately, his pregnant husband is trapped inside also and not feeling so well. Land of AUness.

Title: Never Let an Alien Probe You on the First Date
Pairing: alien!Clex, dark!snuggly!Lexana
Warning: Mpreg, tentacles, early S6 version of Lana
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Season Six, AU post Arrow.
Summary: Never let an alien probe you on the first date... or... ever.

Title: The Poison of Green
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Clex, past Lexana
Warnings: Lanahate, slightly cracky, character death
Summary: When Lex tells him that Lana is pregnant, Clark admits to Lex that he’s pregnant, too! Lex takes him in. Wackiness and jealousy ensues. Set after Hydro S6.

Title: Progeny
Pairing: Clex
Rating: R-ish
Warnings: underaged sex
Summary: At a New Years party, Lex has some fun and pays the consequences. After S2 Skinwalkers

Title: Mr. Mxy’s Marvelous Day Out
Pairing: Lexana, Chimmy, Clex, Lollie
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: AU after Subterranean S6, spoilers through that point.
Warnings: mpreg, crack
Summary: Mr. Mxyzptlk returns. Woe to us all.
Notes: I started writing this directly after Subterranean, thus predictions to the later parts of the season are coincidental. I’ll probably write a sequel/continuation to this after if finish a few WiPs, but as of the moment, it stays as it is.

Part One
Part Two

...Now you. Link yer mpreg stuff, even if it's old. It's possible that someone in this asylum hasn't seen it! Btw, Smother and The Poison of Green have preggers Clark, if you prefer him being the man momma.

September 2011

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