Apr. 5th, 2019


Who: Edwin and Oliver
Where: Oliver's Room
When: After their respective outings

Where do we stand now? )

Apr. 4th, 2019


Who: Dylan and Felix
Where: The basement
When: Early afternoon


Apr. 3rd, 2019


Who: Oliver and Scotty
Where: Front walkway
When: Mid-morning

Snow's good for somethin )


Who: Edwin and Joe
What: Proper introduction
Where: The Billiards room

Joe was not a man who was particularly smart )

Apr. 1st, 2019


Who: Marco & Chase
When: Late morning, around 11
Where: Utility room

Laundry Day )

Mar. 31st, 2019



Day 20.

Weather: Those scattered flurries from yesterday? Overnight they've turned into a full-on blizzard. It's a really, really bad idea to leave the house today. Which is unfortunate...

Events: Around five in the morning, a song starts playing on the fourth floor. In fact, it's coming directly from that great statue that everyone loves so much.

It starts off very quiet, but quickly grows in volume until it's so loud that it can still be clearly heard from the first floor. Anyone on the fourth floor is probably not going to want to be in their room today, because the music is so loud that you can't even hear yourself talk. The rooms surrounding the statue might want to move fragile stuff to their floor, because the volume will surely be shaking the walls. It's loud, guys. Painfully, ridiculously loud.

Oh, and that song it's playing? It's It's A Small World. And it's the only song that's getting played today, at deafening volumes, over and over and over again.