Dec. 7th, 2018


Who: Edwin and Oliver
Where: Foyer/The road into Zenith
When: When the weather clears

Here we go again )

Dec. 6th, 2018



Who: Audrey
When: Late night Day 11, after all the good little subjects have gone to bed (between 2 and 3 am.)
Where: Throughout the mansion
What: Audrey being terrible (Iā€™m sorry)
Super ultra trigger warning for racist text

Just being so terrible )

Dec. 5th, 2018


Who: Justice
Where: the study
When: early evening

in the middle of difficulty lies opportunity )

Dec. 2nd, 2018


Who: Scotty and Kai
When: Morning, shortly before the storm
Where: Heading into town because SOME PEOPLE can't calm their shit

How do I get myself into these things? )

Nov. 30th, 2018


Who: Marco & Oliver
When: Around 7:30am
Where: Marco's room

She got moved )


Who: Felix [Narrative]
Where: His room/The craft room
When: 4:30am, then just before 6am

You've got to be fucking kidding me... )

Nov. 29th, 2018



Day 11.

Weather: There's a hard, icy rain (complete with pebble sized hail) in the late morning and early afternoon, dark conditions and a rather foggy night.

Events: It's a day of many things, but most of them are not out in the open.

First, and most noticeably, Juno, Jack, and Tasiya are removed in the night. Their rooms are emptied.

Marco has been given a small amount of heroin. Keyword: small. Not enough for even one good high, just enough to delay withdrawal a little longer. There's a note in the bag. It reads "You lied to them."

Felix, Audrey, and Levi have lost all of their Experiment B privileges, including access to the 'bat cave.' Each of them will find an apple in their bathrooms. Carved into each apple are the words "Earn it back."

And finally, Abra and Justice each find a message waiting for them on their computers this morning. It reads:


Everyone is here for a reason. Each person in Mount Zenith was taken because they are of special value to our needs. Among our group of subjects, we have selected you for participation in a side experiment. This group is known as Experiment B. Abra, Justice, both of you has a special quality that suits our needs. We will have special requirements expected of you, but we believe you will find meeting those standards to be an enjoyable experience - one which you shall be compensated for.

Our terms are simple. We require that you create tension within the house. How you do this is up to you. Should you choose to openly sow discord, or quietly identify and exploit weaknesses, you may employ any strategy you see fit. In return, we will supply you with special information. We will grant you private access to the camera feeds, as well as the ability to read private messages between the other subjects. If necessary, we will even offer you special luxuries in payment for your services.

Our primary demand: you must not discuss Experiment B with anyone outside of the group. If you tell anyone of this arrangement, all privileges will be revoked and we can personally guarantee you will never see your homes or families again.

We have one final requirement. If you understand and accept these terms, place an apple on your desk when you go to bed tonight. If that is done and you keep your silence, we will grant you the privileges spoken of earlier. You may speak of this with each other, but no one else."