Miss "Forever Knight" and "Angel"?

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Miss "Forever Knight" and "Angel"?


August 7th, 2007


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Welcome to the newest comm for the show Moonlight, the vampire detective show coming to CBS this fall. Please note that as this show has not yet aired, we cannot be responsible if it ends up being so bad that it makes Point Pleasant look like Battlestar Galactica. By joining/participating in this comm you are expressing an interest in the show's potential and you are free to retract anticipatory praise at any time.

Now that I've established low expectations and alienated Point Pleasant fans, onto the important stuff. This comm has rules. Please read them before posting. The quickie version: write and behave like an adult, put all spoilers behind a labeled cut and respect other people's opinions, even if they're completely wrong.

Let's get started: have some icons! creativity4life has done an impressive job making a large variety of icons with very little source material.

Got rumors/speculation/spoilers/casting news/etc? Share!
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