Aug. 26th, 2009


Wow another period for August

I love having 2 periods in one month. Yah. It's awesome.

I'm going to be 35 in November. I feel old. I hate my GYN since she's the one that told me that this is happening as a result of perimenopause. I would like to have a second child. I doubt that will happen and I'm quite sad. Elora would love a sibling. I'd love her to grow up with one. My body won't cooperate. I feel weak. I feel like I'm less of a woman. I feel old today. This sucks.

Aug. 2nd, 2009


Day 2 of my period.

Chemical pregnancy too. *sigh* I'm very upset over that but it is not anything I can do about it. Just hopefully finish my period soon. Very soon. The cramps are pretty bad right now. Going to take some Ibuprophin. Out of Pamprin. *le sigh*

Jul. 25th, 2009


Not Pregnant

Stomach virus or something. headaches were stress, not enough sleep, and Elora accidentally kicked my temple one night and I had forgotten about it but that was likely the cause of my 2 day migraine.

Somewhat disappointed but the upside is this: I can have a cup of coffee, I can drink a little at my hubby's b'day party. I wanted to make some sangria and had changed my mind when I thought I was pregnant. Now I can have a little.

As for baby #2, all things in their time. I think I'll have another baby. It just wasn't meant to be just yet. And I'm really ok with that.

Jul. 22nd, 2009


crossing my fingers

I think I might be pregnant. It would have happened on Monday night but so it might be something else but I remember when I was pregnant early on w/ Elora and this is the same feeling. Sudden and intense tiredness, my stomach feels like a beach ball, light morning sickness, etc.

Let's hope! We're planning on #2.

Last day of my last cycle was July 13th.

Jul. 12th, 2009


Still on my damn period

I'm spotting only but it's so annoying. It has been a little more than a week now. I still feel so tired. I also had just as many accidents with my instead cup. Will go online before my next cycle and check out the diva cup or one similar. They got better reviews.

Jul. 8th, 2009


Day 3 almost over

Day 3 was unusually heavy! I am almost 35 and my doctor says that has a lot to do with my change in cycle. I felt like I was going to actually pass out yesterday, too. I should have been home,resting and off my feet. I stayed at work though. If I came home, I would have picked up my daughter (who's 19 months by the way) and not gotten much rest anyhow. I was probaly better off at the office.

Went ahead and took the cup out for a while though just to give my body a break. I'll put it in again when I go to bed. Hoping next month is better.

Jul. 7th, 2009


Well, another month, another accident

Just couldn't jump out of bed fast enough to break Mock 1 this morning so I ended up getting blood on the bed. I happened to have bled around my menstral cup. Sigh. Twice! So I've had 2 showers this morning in order to clean up. We'll see how the rest of today goes. I'll post later tonight after I come home. maybe I'll make a post from my school library today. That would be nice.

Now, I think I'll get some coffee, clean my kitchen from last night's culinary artwork, wake my baby too and get ready for work. *crosses fingers* My first full period with my cup. If I don't have anymore accidents today, I'll be very happy. I can tolerate an accident in the morning. I bleed so heavy first thing when I wake up I don't think I can avoid it with any product.

Jun. 14th, 2009


Ok...I'll get the ball rolling

Lets begin by saying my sister and I have had "difficult" periods our whole lives. Well, since puberty anyhow. I know my daughter will very likely have the same issues. That being said....

I'll also tell you that since having my lovely Elora 19 months ago, my cycles are worse than ever! The cramping is not so bad anymore (the pain used to be so great that I would throw up several times and cry in misery....Dear Hubby can attest to that) but my flow is terrible. I would have to wear tampons and pads! I'd still have accidents. I'd have accidents at my office, on my way home. graphic details )