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[Jun. 25th, 2012|07:33 pm]
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breakin jimmy or customs [Jun. 5th, 2012|08:21 pm]
Hi, I'm Jimmy. I guess i'm known for laughing inappropriately sometimes. What about you? What was the worst thing you started laughing in the middle of?
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[Jun. 5th, 2012|07:15 pm]

Hey I'm Chris.

Does anyone else have a sexual bucket list? What's something you keep meaning to try but never seem to get around to?

And for the record, I volunteer to try it with you.
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Howdy. [Jun. 4th, 2012|11:22 pm]

I'm Tina Fey. Usually, you can find me on NBC, listening to Alec Baldwin call his daughter nasty names on voicemail, or occupying Amy Poehler. I'm also living in utter terror of Sarah Palin showing up here since anyone who's ever been on the show can come. Hold me.
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[Jun. 4th, 2012|11:10 pm]

I'm Maya Rudolph. Perhaps you know me from being pretty amazeballs.

Yeah, I said it, what? Come at me, bro. I feel like I should be wearing axe bodyspray and a sideways baseball cap. Although that would make me Ashton Kutcher. And I would NEVER treat Demi that way.
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