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[Dec. 14th, 2010|12:05 am]
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Who: Slade Wilson. Open to Rose Wilson and Sofia Falcone.
Where: Abandoned factory building in Gotham.
When: Wednesday, June 30th, 2010
Summary: Slade makes himself available for a meeting to discuss how best to deal with the Red Hood.

Strategy )
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[Dec. 13th, 2010|11:46 pm]

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Who: Kyle Rayner and OPEN
Where: A coffee shop in New York City
When: Wednesday, June 30th, 2010. Middle of the night.
Summary: Kyle is up late working on some material for work, avoiding sleep like the plague.

He didn't even like coffee. )
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[Dec. 13th, 2010|12:13 am]
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Who: Batman and open to assorted members of the Batclan
Where: The Batcave
When: June 26, 2010
Summary: Batman discovers that the Red Hood is in fact Jason Todd back from the dead.

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[Dec. 12th, 2010|06:21 pm]
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Who: Pamela Isley
Where: A cafe in Metropolis
When: June 29th
Summary: Ivy figures out what's keeping Harley.

That moron. )
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[Dec. 10th, 2010|12:10 am]

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Who: Major news networks in Gotham
Where: Gotham TVs, newspapers, radio stations
When: June 29, 2010
Summary: It's official - Harley Quinn is back in Arkham

Harley Quinn has been taken into authorized custody )
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[Dec. 9th, 2010|07:10 am]
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Who: Luthor and Tommy
Where: PHONE!
When: June 28th
Summary: Lex has an offer for Tommy.

Lex was never one who was above spying, and if an ally had an interest in his theater of information gathering, so much the better. Normally society business was best done in private, in the secure parts of the tower, but this was something that he wanted to legitimize. Something that if it was caught on phone wouldn't do anything other than validate his claims, so it was time for the call.

Having his secretary make the connection he leaned back in his chair waiting.
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Narrative/Scene [Dec. 7th, 2010|08:44 pm]

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Who: Atlee (and Open)
Where: Hovering above New York City
When: June 28th
Summary: Atlee tries to make sense of things.

Atlee knew she'd be facing a number of obstacles but she had never envisioned time traveling doppelgangers. )
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[Dec. 8th, 2010|06:27 am]

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TO: Mia
FROM: Steph
DATE: June 28th


TO: Tim
FROM: Steph
DATE: June 28th


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Message - From the Riddler to Cheshire [Dec. 4th, 2010|11:07 am]

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Who: Cheshire, the Riddler
Where: Cheshire's current hideout
When: June 27
Summary: The Riddler has a message to deliver to Cheshire

A message typed out on recognizable stationary, delivered in a matching envelope... )
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Black Adam and Isis - Homecomings [Dec. 2nd, 2010|03:21 pm]
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Who: Black Adam, Isis
Where: Kahndaq
When: Sunday, June 27th, 2010
What: Black Adam's looking to blow off a little steam while he waits for his wife to return from her humanitarian efforts in Qurac.

Wife. It is good to see you again. )
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[Dec. 2nd, 2010|09:17 am]
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Who: The Justice League vs Justice
Where: The Secret Sanctuary
When: Saturday, June 26th, 2010 After Robin has escorted all the kids out
What: With most of the younger counter parts safe, Batman leads the JLA in an attack on the assassins from the future, which will wrap up the plot.

It was very rare to have the entire Justice League involved in one situation. )
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[Dec. 2nd, 2010|06:42 am]
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Who: Evil Steph + Possibly Bat response
Where: Brown Residences
When: June 26 (night time)
Summary: A gift for herself

For Steph, from 'Tim' )
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[Dec. 2nd, 2010|01:05 am]
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Who: Nightwing and Harley Quinn
When: June 26th, 2010
Where: Gotham City, Pamela Isley's apartment
Summary: Nightwing follows the evidence to the small apartment Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn have been using. A conflict ensues.

It couldn't be that easy... )

[Open to Harley]
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[Dec. 1st, 2010|11:27 pm]
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Who: Robin, and open to Young Justice, Future Justice, etc
Where: The Secret Sanctuary
When: Saturday, June 26th, 2010
What: Robin investigates the Secret Sanctuary in his continued search for Young Justice.

Inside the Not So Secret Sanctuary )
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[Nov. 30th, 2010|11:01 pm]

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TO: Dinah
DATE: June 26, 2010

You have an email! )
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[Nov. 27th, 2010|03:44 pm]
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Where: Gotham City.
When: June 25, 2010
Summary: The Joker leaves a message for Red Hood.

'Don't be a chicken!' )

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[Nov. 26th, 2010|01:45 pm]
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Who: Lois Lane + Open
When: June 10 (Backdated)
Where: The Bitter End coffee house
Summary: Workaholics are notoriously boring and pale. So Lois decides to get out for a bit -- taking her work with her, of course.

Solution to a vitamin D deficiency )
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[Nov. 24th, 2010|04:08 pm]

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Who: Eddie Nigma and Harley Quinn
Where: Pam's apartment, Gotham where Harley and Eddie have been hiding out
When: June 15 (backdated)
Summary: Eddie leaves a note for Harley

Thanks for helping me out of a bind and getting me back on my feet... )
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[Nov. 22nd, 2010|08:19 am]
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Who: The Justice League
Where: JLA Watchtower
When: June 23rd
Summary: Batman summons the JLA to discuss the problem of murderous time traveling sidekicks

Batman to Justice League; we have a situation. Meet me in the Watch Tower so that we can handle it. )
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Narrative -Ted Kord [Nov. 22nd, 2010|09:06 am]

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Who: Ted Kord! (and NPC cameo by his dad!)
Where: Kord Industries HQ
When: Wednesday, June 23nd, 2010
Summary: Ted lies like a rug to his dad to cover up the fall out from Blue Beetle's recent misadventure.

You know -- you can't be careful on a skateboard man. )
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