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Feb. 18th, 2008 @ 10:48 am
who Aberforth and Padma
when 18 Feb 1999; around noon
where Gringott's in Diagon Alley
what Aberforth has errands to run
rating PG-13

Aberforth had left Anthony alone at the Hogs Head. He wasn't really sure how wise it was to do that, but it wasn't as if the boy could get into too much trouble. It was noon. The Hogs Head was nearly empty at noon... well, it was nearly empty most of them time, but noon on a weekday was extremely slow. He used to skive off and run errands with no one at the bar and not worry. Why was he worried with it being watched?

Grumbling to himself as he apparated to Diagon Alley, he began to lumber down the crowded business district of wizarding London. He needed to drop off some money and pick up some more, and he needed to see if everything had been approved for the restoration of the old Dumbledore property in Godric's Hollow. He was thinking about retiring back home, putting up a little goat pin out back and relaxing. Merlin knew he deserved it.

He was so lost in thought on his way to the wizarding bank he wasn't really watching where he was going. That didn't prevent him from blaming the other person when they collided, though. "Oy... watcher yer goin'," he snapped.

Jan. 9th, 2008 @ 12:42 am
Who: Anthony the Great & Padma the Magnificent
When: Sometime after classes
Where: Ravenclaw Commons, to start
Rating: Ummm, G-ish?
Status: Incomplete

Anthony was in the Common Room, waiting for Padma to either come in or come down from her Dorm. He wasn't really sure where she was, but he did know that she'd have to run into him eventually with his strategically placed location. He'd promised to let her meet Enigma, but that wasn't the only reason that he wanted to spend time around her. She was one of his closest friends, and she'd seemed a bit distant lately. He could place some of the blame on himself (as he had multitudes of reasons to be distant, it seemed), but still, something was off there.

And, really, he did want to show Enigma off. What girl could resist an adorable fluffy white kitten? Hell, he was a guy and he couldn't. Turning in his chair some so that he could watch both places where Padma could come from, and yet still feel the heat from the fireplace, he resorted to looking over his notes from Charms. Though he wasn't getting much studying accomplished as he continued to peek over the top of his notes to see if she was around yet. This would have been much easier if he'd attacked her after class and informed her that she was going to spend time with him tonight.
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Jan. 8th, 2008 @ 03:39 pm
who: Ginny and the DA
what: Ginny informs them of her brillant plan.
when: after dinner on 08 Jan 1998
where: ROR
rating: G, for now
status: C O M P L E T E (OMG... what?!)

Her plan was only half-formed, but she'd talked it over with Draco, and it seemed like a viable plan. To an extent. As long as she didn't get murdered. Either way, it was better than nothing. Someone in the DA (she was fairly certain it was Justin) had managed to get parchments onto every desk in every classroom. That was a damn impressive feat, and she wondered if he hadn't enlisted the help of the house elves to manage it.

She took a deep breath as she entered the Room of Requirement, making sure to control it so that no one but a DA member could enter. Bending the room to her needs was key. She made sure to shut the door behind her, and settled in for the others to join her. Her plan was simple and direct. The meeting shouldn't take long.

Jan. 4th, 2008 @ 04:23 pm
Who: Padma Patil & Theo Nott
When: Sometime in the afternoon of December 30th
Where: Starts on the 7th floor, near the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete

Show me what you can do. Curses wise, I mean )

Dec. 26th, 2007 @ 06:09 pm
Who: Justin & Padma Paitl
When: Boxing Day (26 Dec)
Where: The Great Hall
Rating: G
Status: Completed Log

You just made a friend for life. )
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Dec. 25th, 2007 @ 11:15 pm
Owl to Anthony )

Owl to Blaise )

Owl to Draco )

Owl to Luna )

Owl to Michael )

Owl to Millicent )

Owl to Morag )

A small package delivered to Padma by a House-Elf )

Dec. 25th, 2007 @ 01:55 pm
Package to Padma Patil )

Package to Anthony Goldstein )

Package to Michael Corner )

Package to Theodore Nott )

Dec. 25th, 2007 @ 02:38 pm
Left in a large box on the Slytherin table, addressed to Theodore Nott
Happy Christmas, Theo )

Dec. 23rd, 2007 @ 10:20 am
Who: Padma Patil and Theo Nott
When: 23 December 1997
Where: Padma's office
Rating: PG?
Status: Incomplete

Already she was starting to regret staying behind. Not that the company wasn't pleasant; she was getting to know many students that she didn't normally talk to. She made a note to herself that she wanted to talk to Justin while they were here; she knew the Hufflepuff boy in passing, but she'd never really sat down and talked to him.

She'd been asked for help with past assignments, and to go over notes by some of the professors, and she was more than happy to do it. But she found herself hiding away in her office already, staring forlornly at the snowglobe on her desk. A month. He'd been gone a month. No word, no letters, no nothing. What was she supposed to think?

All she did was think. About HIM.

She shook her head. This was pointless, it really was. She pulled her eyes away from the snowglobe, went back to--what had she been doing again?

Thank goodness the knock on the door distracted her. "Come in," she called out, trying to sound cheerful.
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