Miyako High -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
an AU asian entertainment High School RP

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[21 May 2008|12:42am]
Muses Name: Choi Dongwook (Se7en)
Muses band/solo: Solo
Muses LJ: [info]allnightlong
Muses AIM sn: mistahygbang

Grade: 11th.
Age: 17
Activities: basetball team & dance team
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What is there to do here? [21 May 2008|01:02pm]
[ mood | busy ]

Can someone show me some good places to go? Shop or whatever please.

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[ OOC - Semi-Hiatus ] [21 May 2008|02:06pm]
Me and my sister ([info]aragaki) are gonna be on semi-hiatus until our computer is fixed. :\ I did the 'smart' thing and installed something dad asked me to... and now, viruses galore! Don't you just adore parents?

I'm pretty sure AIM still works (thus semi and not full hiatus) but Firefox / IE absolutely won't. If you see either of us online we're probably dying of boredom not being able to open pages so c'mon talk to us~ XD At least me! ♥ I'm the nice one.

Sorry for inconvenience etc etc~
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[ viewing | May 21st, 2008 ]
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