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an AU asian entertainment High School RP

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Oh no. [21 Apr 2008|12:07am]
I've been slacking... Anyone want to hit the gym with me? ^^;;
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Your theme song~ [21 Apr 2008|08:18am]
[ mood | blah ]

Everyone have a song that describles their life or they can relate too! Okay lets share!

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[21 Apr 2008|10:51am]
[ mood | busy ]

I'm back! ... I was gonna ask who missed me, but then I remembered I don't know too many people here yet, so the answer to that would've probably been kinda sad. I need to meet more people!

... everybody tell me something random. Seriously! About anything, it doesn't even have to be about yourself (though that would be good too)!

Here, I'll start: the average person takes seven minutes to fall asleep. The average Uchi takes more like 10 seconds.

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ack! [21 Apr 2008|08:43pm]
Besides crashing, what are the negative effects of energy drinks..?

My mind is bothering me. I think I've had too much sugar.
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[ viewing | April 21st, 2008 ]
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