Miyako High -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
an AU asian entertainment High School RP

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drop. [17 Apr 2008|05:52pm]
Sorry, guys.

Just not the place for me.

If you find it absolutely necessary...[ sugashots ]

And to songbird and love (Geh. You know who you are, love) don't miss me too much. You'll forget in time, yes?
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miyako high application here~ (go tigers, nyan! :3) [17 Apr 2008|09:19pm]

Muses Name: Saitou Kazuhiko (Ick. Call me Bou.)
Muses band/solo: ex-An Cafe guitarist
Muses LJ: [info]kawaiilovex3
Muses AIM sn: visual x kitten

Grade: 12
Age: 18
Activities: Fashion club, music club
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