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an AU asian entertainment High School RP

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Drop [21 Mar 2008|11:39am]
Dropping Jessica.
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[21 Mar 2008|11:42am]
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I've...sort of settled in.

Sort of.

I haven't really talked to anyone, and I haven't even spent time with my new roommates. Anyone want to hang out sometime?

And by the way, you can talk to me online! I promise I don't bite~ unless you want me to. [ Unglamorous Sky ]

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Go Tigers! Yay~ [21 Mar 2008|06:10pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]

Muses Name: Choi Sooyoung
Muses band/solo: So Nyuh Shi Dae
Muses LJ: [info]cutiesooyoung
Muses AIM sn: sooyoung smile

Grade: 9th
Age: 15
Activities: Dance Club, Photography Club

... Is there an eating club? Where people just eat? Ahh! I'd love to be in that!!

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[ viewing | March 21st, 2008 ]
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