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[11 Mar 2008|06:43pm]
[ mood | thoughtful ]
[ music | A Whole New World (THSK remix) -THSK. ]

Hello~!! ^O^ Tegonyan is here again, na?! Ne, how has everybody been lately? Good? ^O^ That's good!! <33 Spring is just about here everybody!! That means alot of rainy weather, ne?! But, think of all the flowers that will grow in the end!! They'll be beautiful when they're all bloomed and stuff!! ^O^ What was that expresion "April showers, bring May flowers". That was it, wasn't it? ^O^ Think of all the flowers you will be able to pick for the person you love, na? Fresh and they'll smell beautiful!! ^O^ And to think that you'll be able to walk around everywhere without all that snow getting your shoes dirty, ne? Keke~ Well, this time you'll get them dirty because of the mud! ^O^ Oii~!! Just be careful, na? Rain floods will replace our snow snorms!! But, don't worry about that, ne?! ^O^ You could always run around in the rain if that's what you like!! ^O^ But, don't catch a cold!! Make sure to take a warm shower or bath when you get in!!

Another issue that Tegonyan wants to bring up!! ^O^ Tegonyan is 17, ne? But there's alot of people that don't think Tegonyan is 17!! Alot of people that I'm a freshman!! ^O^;; I act very young and stuff, but Tegonyan inside is a very deep, romantic, and sexy person!!! <333 I'm just like everybody else, ne? I'm just naturally cute, ne? It's not an act!! <333 I really am cute!! But, I'm not like that all the time!! Tegoshi Yuya is a fighter and a true man inside!! Hai~!! If someone that Tegoshi Yuya holds dear to his heart were in trouble, I would be there to help in anyway possible!! Don't let the cute exterior always fool you, na?! ^O^ I'm alot more clever and rough around the edges than you think!!!

Moving on, na?! ^O^ Tegonyan has another question again!! Let's see what everybody answers this time!! ^O^ I thank everybody that takes their time to answer my questions!!! <333

Today's question is:

Why do sleeping pills have warning labels that state :Caution: May Cause Drowsiness?

Ne, Tegonyan doesn't understand that!! ToT Isn't the pills supposed to help you sleep in the first place? Oii~!! People are really complicated, ne? Why would they warn you about something that's supposed to happen? Ne, why does everybody else think they do that? Surely, this time Tegonyan has no idea!! ToT

Have a good day everybody~!!! <333 ^O^

~Tegoshi desu.

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