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an AU asian entertainment High School RP

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Go Tigers~ [10 Mar 2008|01:15am]
[ mood | creative ]

Muses Name: Kato Shigeaki
Muses band/solo: NEWS
Muses LJ: [info]kato_shigeaki
Muses AIM sn: astutegeshi

Grade: 10th
Age: 16
Activities: book club, drama club, tennis

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Go tigers! [10 Mar 2008|05:03am]

Muses Name: Jolin Tsai
Muses band/solo: solo
Muses LJ: [info]sexy_barbiedoll
Muses AIM sn: dancingmasta

Grade: 12
Age: 18
Activities: soccer, dance club, drama club, and choir.
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Just curious... [10 Mar 2008|01:36pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | For My Love - M.STREET ]

What kind of music does everyone like?

I prefer old school stuff~

C'mon, don't be shy D:

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Miyako High App. Go tigers. [10 Mar 2008|02:35pm]
[ mood | morose ]
[ music | 会有那么一天 (Someday) - JJ Lin ]

Muses Name: Danson Tang (Tang Yu Zhe)
Muses band/solo: Solo/Actor
Muses LJ: [info]aiwo
Muses AIM sn: only danson

Grade: 9th
Age: 14
Activities: track team, music appreciation club, fashion club

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Bunny saves the snow [10 Mar 2008|09:57pm]
The snow is nearly gone and I had some fun today clearing the last of it.

Bunny Reina to the rescue )
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[ viewing | March 10th, 2008 ]
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