Miyako High -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
an AU asian entertainment High School RP

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[15 Feb 2008|05:52am]
[ mood | chipper ]

Did everyone have a super romancy Valentine's day? ^0^
I was busy unpacking my things. >>;
Oh well~
There's always next year~~

I haven't met many people yet!
Hiiiiii everyone~~! ^0^
Consider this an official CALL TO ARMS!
Or not arms... .___.||
A call to say hi to the new girl?☆★
I'm nice, promise! ♥♥♥

My favouritest favourite Pokémon~♥♥♥
Teddiursa! ^u^
Isn't it adorable? ^=^

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Love [15 Feb 2008|10:03am]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | crash and burn- savage garden ]

Love can be diffcult. When one love end another begins. There are so many types of love and friendships. Remember to smile and treasure those you love. Remember if anyone needs to talk I'm still here listening. Let's lift each other up okay.

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GO Tigers!!! [15 Feb 2008|04:37pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]

Muses Name:Namie Amuro
Muses band/solo:solo
Muses LJ:namieamuro
Muses AIM sn:NmAmuro


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[15 Feb 2008|05:08pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | Purpose -Kangta. ]

Hello everyone~!! It's the day after Valentine's Day!! I hope everybody had a fun Valentine's, ne? ^O^ <33 I hope everybody got plenty of messages, candies, and most importantly plenty of love!! Tegonyan got plenty of each, and everyone one of those!! ^O^ Speaking of which, that postbox thing was a fun thing, ne? Tegoshi got plenty of messages! A lot of sweet ones too! ^O^ Arigatou~ to those who gave messages to me!! <333 You are very much appreciated, ne? Though, I got one that was kind of scary ^^;; It said "I want to take you somewhere", something like that! Tegoshi hopes that nobody wants to take him, and kidnap him T.T I'm sure Ryo-chan would hunt you down if you tried to anyways! Ne, Ryo-chan?! <33 Private message me if you gave me that message, so that I won't be scared anymore T.T

If you didn't have a good Valentine's this year, then have confidence in next year! ^O^ It's always better to look ahead at the good things that could happen, instead of thinking about the bad stuff! Don't be so down about the bad things of this year, ne? Tegonyan is sure that you will have somebody next year, no matter who you are!! ^O^ <333 So always look forward to the better future!! It's always so much more better to optimistic, na?

There's no question today! Sorry <333

~Tegoshi desu!

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