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an AU asian entertainment High School RP

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[13 Feb 2008|12:56am]
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Go tigers! [13 Feb 2008|02:23am]
[ music | LM.C - Funny Phantom ]

Muses Name: Kashino Yuka, aka Kashiyuka.
Muses band/solo: Perfume.
Muses LJ: [info]yuka
Muses AIM sn: perfume yuka

Age: 16
Activities: Gamer club, art club.

[ So this is like, your cue to jump in and nab one of the other two Perfume girls? 8D; I kid, I kid~! ...But seriously! XD ]

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[13 Feb 2008|01:55pm]
So I want someone to be my Valentine...
And I kinda asked her to be... but I don't know if she saw it...
So now I am posting this as a formal question....

Will you be My Valentine?
If you say yes, I promise you wont regret it.
I have a few surprises for you...
So please be the Mickey to my Minnie (LOL).
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Valentine's Messages! [13 Feb 2008|06:22pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]

I found this thing and I think it's a cute idea. It's totally anonymous, too, so that means you'd have to try to guess who says what. Unless you wanna reveal yourself. hahaha

my valentine postbox )

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone! I bought myself this GIANT 21lb chocolate heart and I'm gonna see how much of it I can eat by myself in one day. I think I might make myself sick. @_@ Anybody wanna help me devour it? XD

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i usually don't use this word, but... [13 Feb 2008|09:47pm]
I'm 99.9% sure I hate Valentine's Day.

Anyone else with me? *hopeful eyes*
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Copying. [13 Feb 2008|10:08pm]
[ mood | loved ]

my valentine postbox )

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