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an AU asian entertainment High School RP

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Miyako High App (Go Tigers!) [11 Feb 2008|03:31am]
[ mood | nervous ]
[ music | Can't Help Falling In Love - F4 ]

Muses Name: Real name: Wu Geng Lin. Stagename: Yan Yalun. English name: Arron Yan
Muses band/solo: Fahrenheit / Fei Lun Hai
Muses LJ: yanyalun
Muses AIM sn: charming ko4 yan

Grade: 9th
Age: 15
Activities: Drama club, music club

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OOC [11 Feb 2008|07:15am]
Dropping Selina Sorry! She been MIA.
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I think that some people may agree... [11 Feb 2008|10:16am]
Though blue is my favorite color, pink is just the best color out there.

Pink hoodies are the best.

What color is your favorite hoodie?
Care to share?
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Go Tigers! Whoo! [11 Feb 2008|07:55pm]
[ music | Purple Line - THSK ]

Muses Name: Kim Hyoyeon
Muses band/solo: SNSD (So Nyuh Shi Dae)
Muses LJ: hyoyeondances.insanejournal.com
Muses AIM sn: dancer x hyoyeon

Grade: 10th
Age: 16
Activities: dance team; choir

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[ viewing | February 11th, 2008 ]
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