Continued reading - -

Oct. 21st, 2023




Who:Liz Collins, and Jason Calderon
Where: Los Angeles—Hotel room.
When: After Jason had found her at the nightclub, and the drive where Liz shared revelations of their children.
Rating: NC-17/R – Mature Content.
Status: Incomplete.

Liz unlocked the door, though stood in the doorway. Waiting for him. )

May. 7th, 2023




Who: Helena Erland, and Elliot Albertsen
Date: October 31st, 2019
What: Taking the Kiddos tricker treating.
Where: Residential community in Los Angeles
Rating: PG – And cuteness!
Status: Incomplete/LOCKED

Hey der buddy.. Where we going?  )

Apr. 15th, 2012




Who: Monica Walker, and Gregorio Sentinus
Setting: BTL @ TBD
What: Figuring out a man
Where: Some piece-of-shit Rim dirt hole. Outside a even more piece-of-shit bar.
When: Evening, a few hours after hitting planet-side.
Rating? TBD
Status: Complete/LOCKED

The not so angry red head proceeded to follow Gregorio out the door, )