Mind Over Meta

Oct. 29th, 2009


06:35 pm - Writing themes: Mad Men, Buffy, and SPN

I found it interesting that the Mad Men episode this season in which Marti Noxon and Cathryn Humphris collaborated should turn out the be the most soap operatic episode yet. I couldn't help thinking about two other stories Noxon and Humphris had penned, "New Moon Rising" and "Sex and Violence" respectively Read more... )

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Sep. 16th, 2009


07:48 pm - Mini Meta Fest: Prompt 1

As part of the the Mini Meta Fest, some thoughts on the second of two prompts:

1. The slash vs het wars. aka: won't someone please think of the multishippers?

I definitely feel sympathy for this POV. As a reader of gen, het, and slash, I really don't understand why there should be conflict there. Perhaps because of my reading preferences, many of the writers I read repeatedly also write in more than one of these veins, so I have to wonder who it is who is having such problems with it?Read more... )

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Sep. 14th, 2009


08:55 pm - Mini Meta Fest: Prompt 4

As part of the the Mini Meta Fest, some thoughts on the first of two prompts:

4. Drug use, alcohol, smoking in fanfic

I had to laugh about getting this prompt, because the middle issue relates to something I've mentioned in a few conversations.Read more... )

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Sep. 17th, 2008


05:11 pm - Goodness and light (on the action): Love interests in BtVS

Following from several posts I’ve read re: the whole issue of love interests and their development in stories I had some thoughts as it relates to BtVS. They began with Riley, who along with Oz, Tara, and Kennedy seem the characters most clearly developed for the purpose of being love interests )

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Apr. 19th, 2008


03:38 pm - Some meta about Angel

giandujakiss has posted a wonderful Spike/Angel vid. Although the idea behind it was rather simple I really like what she did with her cuts and contrasts, and
it made me rather thinky in spots.

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Apr. 13th, 2008


04:54 pm - The Emotional Bottom

Revising an essay I wrote about the similar positioning of Dean from Supernatural and Spike from the Buffyverse, I also looked at changes in Dean's character in S3 of the series.

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Mar. 21st, 2008


10:20 am - Will the Real Big Bad Please Stand Up?

The Buffy S8 comics storyline made me start wondering about seasonal Big Bads, specifically that of BtVS S5. I also started pondering how the Big Bad is never quite what we think it is.

My best example for that would be BtVS Season 6. It's been stated at various times that "Life" was the real villain of that year, and that the Troika and Buffy's arc represented the confusion and aimlessness that often characterizes one's early 20s. But it seems to me from the storylines that the real message was "we are our own worst enemy." Xander, Willow, and Buffy's storylines, and even secondary characters such as the Troika, Spike, Giles, Tara's etc. all seemed to come down to bringing ruin upon themselves by not taking responsibility for something. Had each taken the harder road rather than the easier one, much of the grief could have been avoided. The only person who seems exempt from this is Dawn, perhaps because she is the only non-adult at that point. I was struck by the fact that she never actually seems sorry for her actions in "Older and Far Away." Everyone else ends up the season plenty sorry though.

On the face of it, S1 seemed the clearest with the Master appearing in episode 1

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Mar. 9th, 2008


08:42 pm - Hey, you've got your canon in my fanfic!

A post on Wincest in Supernatural and the latest Buffy issue #12, started me on a train of thought about what I'd call "circles of reality", which I talk about here. Spoilers for SPN 3.12 and Buffy issue 12.

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Jan. 21st, 2008


06:40 pm - The long-haul girl?

A conversation with [info]shadowscast about her drabble at the LJ site churchofjoss led me to think about religion, Riley and his relationship with Buffy.
Read more... )

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Nov. 21st, 2007


08:11 pm - Spike's Appearances (and non-appearances) in "Restless"

Considering all the foreshadowing that goes on in Restless, (some of it, such as in Buffy’s dream, quite deliberate), I always found it curious that Spike does not appear and is not referenced at all in Buffy’s future. By this time Mutant Enemy was definitely considering a Spuffy storyline for S5. I thought I’d take a crack at puzzling some things out about it.

Wondering about the answer made me realize something else. Spike couldn’t have been in Buffy’s dream because it would have detracted from the theme. Each dream represented the weaknesses/fears of that character )

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Oct. 1st, 2007


06:57 pm - Identification and the elephant in the room: A Spike/Xander manifesto

I was recently asked to revise an older meta post I made on this topic and decided I would post it here as well.

I was having a discussion with someone about why some ships were heavily written and read and others such as Sparmony were practically non-existent which begged an exploration about why Spander became the fourth most popular ship in the Buffyverse )

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Sep. 8th, 2007


03:08 pm - Buffy S8 Issue 6 Review / Shadow Puppets film

Apparently today is review day. I'll start out with the latest installment of Sugarshock. I have to say reading part 2 left me feeling much the same as part 1 – oddly bemused while reading and, at the end, rather entertained at the whimsical stream-of-consciousness approach. It just grabs me somehow. However I can't figure out how anything could be wrapped up in the next issue. Except maybe that there's no real plot…

Then there is the new Faith issue. )

Lastly, I have finally seen JM's movie Shadow Puppets. MASSIVE spoilers! )
So, anyone dying to see this?

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Aug. 27th, 2007


01:04 pm - Sacrifice in the Buffyverse and SPN

Eric Kripke has mentioned more than once how he'd like Supernatural to be more like Buffy, at least in terms of capturing the same audience. Since I've been rewatching AtS S3 and S4 these past few weeks, the themes of sacrifice and loss have come up repeatedly, as they tend to do in the Whedonverses. The timing made me think about how differently these issues are handled in both shows. Moreover it made me wonder if part of the reason for the difference doesn't also have some bearing in how fans themselves and their reactions to the storylines are handled by the creators.

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