Sep. 17th, 2010


Wednesday-June 24th, 2015

Who: Mara and Paul
When: Wednesday Evening
Where: Paul's room for now.
What: A little romance
Rated: TBD

Mara was officially having a bad day, she started it out happy and positive but after spending time with James she was cranky and annoyed. Now she was sitting in her office and her computer wasn't working. "Fuck!" She growled at the screen and shut it off, hoping when she turned it back on then everything would work fine. She stalked down the hall to her room and decided she was going to change out of her jeans and into something else to maybe cheer herself up.

She yanked off her sweater and jeans, pulled on black lace underwear and a matching bra and already started to feel better. She tore through her closet pulling out a short leather skirt, a form fitting, v-neck, dark pink, thin sweater and then pulled on knee high stiletto boots. Mara walked in front of her full length mirror and turned around. She smiled at her reflection, she looked a bit more aggressive than normal but she felt more aggressive, she was tired of being a barbie as James called her. She gave herself one last look and headed for the door, she was going to go see Ric...or hopefully Paul but either way she needed the attention either one would give her.

The blond knocked on the door frame to Ric's room and walked inside, pushing her blonde waves out of her face as she smiled at him. "Hey you." She said softly as she shut the door.
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Sep. 14th, 2010


Wednesday-June 24th

Who: Mara and James
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where:The grounds
What: A session for James.
Rated: TBD

Mara made her way down the hall towards James' room, she had spent the morning with Riley Quinn, talking professionally and also about a few things she needed to talk about. She felt better about her choices now and figured now would be a good time to talk to James. She wasn't dressed the way she usually was for a session but she was so comfortable in her hot pink converse, jeans and dark grey v-neck sweater.  Somehow Mara didn't think James would care that she wasn't in a skirt and heels, plus she could take him outside much easier this way.

She knocked on the door frame and smiled when she entered the room. "Hey James, I think we should have a chat and I was hoping that you wouldn't mind having it outside while we take a walk instead of sitting in my stuffy office." Of course it sounded like a suggestion, a request but Mara was his doctor so it was more than that it was what was going to happen. She pulled her hair back as she waited for his answer and checked her phone briefly, making sure it was vibrate before shoving it into her pocket.
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Aug. 25th, 2010


Monday-June 15, 2015

Who: Mara and OPEN
What: Mara getting a little work done early.
Where: Her office/hallway
When: Monday early morning
Rating: TBD

Mara opened the door to her office and flicked on the lights, it was early Monday morning and she really didn't need to be here so early but she wanted to work on her book that she was writing about Midian and her office was quieter than the living quarters at the moment. She set her laptop on the desk and hung her work clothes on the back of the door. She had four hours before her first appointment so she didn't see the point in being dressed for work right now.

The young doctor sat in her chair, coffee in hand as she turned on her computer waiting patiently for the machine to go through it's own morning ritual. She sighed as she glanced out the window, seeing the water in the distance. Midian had inspired her, it's odd that a place like this would but it had and she loved the island for it. Mara spilt  coffee on her jeans and swore under her breath as she made her way out into the hall to go to the bathroom to clean herself up.
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