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metemmods [userpic]

Circumstances have arisen, godlings. I need you up to the challenge.

Shadows have moved and struck in the dark. We were unable to catch them before it was too late. The ones responsible are known as the Sluagh. This was not our doing, and we will exact our punishments, of that you can be certain.

The realm beyond the Veil is not one we touch, however. The Courtly Queens must lead this chase. You do not need me to tell how vitally important is that we get them all back. Do not lose yourselves in the process.

So can someone tell me what this is all about? It better not be some kind of vacation condo timeshare thing again, because if it is I'm sorry but you've got the wrong guy.

I'm Chance, by the way. Anyone know what's going on here?

Mishael Durand // Titania [userpic]

Hello, everyone in cyberspace! I finally got fed up with deleting these emails from my account and here I am, complete with new anti-virus software just in case this isn't kosher. I hope it's legitimate, though. Such insistent emails just simply have to mean something important and big is going on.

So what is it? A party? A pyramid scheme? Human trafficking? Coupons? Cyber-orgy? ;)

I suppose I should do the customary Getting To Know You thing, too. My name is Misha, I'm an actress in NYC, I'm a Taurus, and I like hot fudge sundaes, rose gardens, and romantic comedies.

Leocadio Milagro Aquino Elizondo Ѯ Quetzalcoatl [userpic]

Ah, finally. For a moment, I was worried I might need to exorcize the printer.

I'm Father Leo... Can anyone explain please what I've stumbled upon?

Philippa Holland [userpic]

Ok, you win. I logged in as instructed by the e-mail but I'm warning you all now that I'm from Texas, and I know how to shoot a gun so don't try to come after me. My name is Philippa, I just graduated for Texas A&M and since I don't know what you want, I don't know what else to say. I suppose I'll just poke around some and try to see what this is about.

mr_bes [userpic]
[Filter: Egyptians]

The Greeks got the same message that we did and Ariadne found a likely location in California. Astarte has to be there. Persephone, too. They're going on the 21st. I'm ready to go, too. Anyone else coming?

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mr_bes [userpic]
[Phone call to Erato]

Sweetheart? Is everything back to normal for you?

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mr_bes [userpic]
[Text to Aphrodite]

Hope your group is doing okay. Have you come across any clues about the missing?

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Adonis [userpic]

I couldn't figure out how to stop the invites from coming. Even my sister, who's much more tech savvy than me, couldn't figure it out. I don't even know how I got subscribed to this. Is there a way to unsubscribe?

This is one of the stranger message boards I've seen. I'm not quite sure what it's all about. All I know was I was getting the shit spammed out of me, and getting on here seems to have made it stop. I don't know who signed me up for this, but I hope they didn't sign me up for any others. I'd hate to have to change over emails because of too much spam, I've had my current email for a long time now.

Katriel "Kitty" Richmond § Bastet [userpic]
[Filter: Egyptians]

Gentlemen. I'm aware my sister is missing. We need to get inside the epicenter as soon as possible. When are you planning to arrive?

And don't forget the Wadjet. This will all be pointless without it.

Denise Stephens ₪ Ariadne [userpic]

So... Is there... something we're supposed to be doing?

mr_bes [userpic]
[Phone call to Erato, waiting for Tyler]

[He half expects an answering machine and he knows that he really should be trying to make his way downstairs to meet Tyler since it might take three times as long in his current state - if he's lucky - but he can't go without trying. He has already thrown some clothing, a toothbrush, and a notebook with long lists of ideas and scribbles gleaned from his interview with the botanica owner and his own research - all of it scattered into a bag messily. He has added another band-aid to his left hand. He is also constantly apologizing to poor Simba.]

Erato? Sweetheart, if you're there and can, pick up. If not, please be careful. Take care of yourself and call my cell phone if you need me.

mr_bes [userpic]
[Phone call to the household of Seth and Co]

[Bes is having trouble keeping his hands still, far too used to tapping out beats or doodling lines of music, but his hands already sport three band-aids thanks to such actions and he keeps one hand firmly pinned under his thigh while the other clutches the receiver.]

Hello? Seth? We have got to get this fixed. We can't let whatever it is keep Astarte. She's ours and Meri needs her and... This sucks.

Sean Gregory [userpic]

Who the hell eats a salad and breaks out in hives--not to mention the fact I feel like my face has been stuffed with socks and hit with a 2x4...

The fuck...

monkeyshinez [userpic]

Hey, guys! Remember how I was having those dreams and they weren't in any book? And how you all were doing your best to help me figure it all out? Well, all of those dreams started to be about monkeys. Then everything started to be about monkeys.

My dad is going to just completely die of resignation and laughter over this one. Trust me.

I'm Hanuman.

Linnaea ~ Sigyn [userpic]

Wasn't exactly expecting to have an email follow me everywhere. But I started having déjà vu episodes to go with it. Those episodes turned into memories not sure I want these, and that was my answer as to whether or not I really wanted to answer this.

My name is Linnaea; Naea for short.

But you guys know me better as Sigyn.

mr_bes [userpic]
[Phone call to Erato]

Erato? Are you... How are you holding up?

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Amanda Rose Keefe ღ Erato [userpic]
Twenty Seven I... I think Achilles has been taken.

I got up because Alex was fussing, and he wasn't here. All his stuff is here, but he isn't. And... I asked his men and his CO if they'd seen him, but, no, no one has.

So, because we weren't married... I can't stay here. They're being nice enough that I have until the end of the month, but still... I just... I don't know what I'm going to do...

mr_bes [userpic]
[Filter: Astarte]

Do you think it would be okay if I came by to visit/meet you and Seth and Meri at some point soon? With us all being in NYC, I figure it should be easy enough and Bastet has told me enough about Meri that I would really like to pay my respects to the Goddess of Progress.

I promise to shave so you don't have flashbacks to the bearded dwarf thing.

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