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Linnaea ~ Sigyn [userpic]

Wasn't exactly expecting to have an email follow me everywhere. But I started having déjà vu episodes to go with it. Those episodes turned into memories not sure I want these, and that was my answer as to whether or not I really wanted to answer this.

My name is Linnaea; Naea for short.

But you guys know me better as Sigyn.

Amanda Rose Keefe ღ Erato [userpic]
Twenty Seven I... I think Achilles has been taken.

I got up because Alex was fussing, and he wasn't here. All his stuff is here, but he isn't. And... I asked his men and his CO if they'd seen him, but, no, no one has.

So, because we weren't married... I can't stay here. They're being nice enough that I have until the end of the month, but still... I just... I don't know what I'm going to do...


Well it's official. I've done my best to stay the hell away from all this. When my internet turned on me, I jury-rigged my type-writer to get my files typed up so I wouldn't have to deal with this crap. Alas my coworkers didn't accept my makeshift papers, so I had to cave and finally access this thing.

My name's Henry Phillips, formerly Hephaestus.

Let's get this over with.

Ah, Valentine's Day. I do have a soft spot for it-- young couples toasting with their glasses of champagne at romantic dinners, the singles seeking Lethe in their own bottles... maybe I'm really an old softie, but it fills me with joy.
Plus it starts the countdown to my birthday, so, you know, there's that too.

Anyway, here's to the day, here's to me, and here's to us all. Stin iyiamas!

Galen Alistair Oram ɫ Asclepius [userpic]

Admittedly, the Chinese New Year isn't a usual observance for me, but this year... Gung Hay Fat Choy!

It's the Year of the Snake, and, as the one-time Serpent-Bearer, I just think it's likely to be an auspicious year.

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mr_bes [userpic]

Most persistent spam ever I'm assuming that this isn't for a Viagra support group How the hell do you do this?

Hello. I got tired of deleting the email from my inbox and this seemed to be the only way to get it to stop. I'm not entirely sure what comes next but I hope it doesn't result in more random emails from mysterious sources. Is there a next step to this or am I free to reclaim my internet connection again?

(Text to Asclepius)

Asclepius, I'd like to schedule an appointment..two in fact.

Galen Alistair Oram ɫ Asclepius [userpic]
[Text to Astarte]

Excuse me, you're an engineer, correct? I was wondering if I might put your innovation skills to work, please.

You know, I think my favorite thing about being here so far is the bed in my room. :D It's so warm. And soft.

It's kind of like what I sleep in at home, only...kind of bigger than I'm used to. :x I do sort of miss being home, though. I hope someone's feeding my bunny.

Galen Alistair Oram ɫ Asclepius [userpic]

Seeing as we're here for an unknown quantity of time, I'd like to just ensure everyone is doing well. I'd be happy to oversee the prenatal care for our expecting mothers (and, fathers, you are welcome to be present for the examinations if you wish). In fact, I'd like to get routine checkups in for all of you this week, if possible.

And anyone else with residual injuries and scars from the unfortunate attacks... I'll be happy to assist with that as well.

Sigyn, if you wil be my assistant, I'd be most appreciative.

Galen Alistair Oram ɫ Asclepius [userpic]

[It had started like a normal day. Then, oddly, he had gotten a letter at his work office. Not that he never got mail, but this one seemed... different than the usual test results and paperwork ping pong. Opening it, he found the letter was coated with a curious white powder. A few hours later, illness set in, and the doctor became a patient...]

...Watch your mail. I think mine was just poisoned. I'm staying at the hospital until further notice. Good thing this isn't my weekend to have the girls...

metemmods [userpic]
The Latest From the Foundation For Christian Families

"...well, it's just downright alarming that, as a good Christian nation, we're being invaded by these upstarts! God said 'Thou shalt have no other gods before me,' and that's exactly what they're trying to do! We are inviting God's judgment down upon ourselves, our families, our very nation if we continue letting them gallivant about unchecked! Someone needs to do something, and soon, to put these so-called gods back in their place!"

Galen Alistair Oram ɫ Asclepius [userpic]

Even with everything else going on...

Few things make me happier than my girls. It's nice to have them for the holiday weekend.

Current Mood: content

Okay, so I want to know who this is and what you want with me. Obviously, you’re some tech-heavy underground group, because I have never seen coding like this before. And I’ve played inside some very intricate software.

So just to be clear, unless you plan on offering me a lot of money, I’m not interested in being recruited to whatever this is. I pick my own career. So if that ruins your plans, then too bad. Stop hounding me.


Okay, I think I can handle this. I'm a lot more in-control than I was before March.

But, one of the things I used to be able to do is astrology. You know, reading horoscopes and the fates of nations in the stars. This is really, really embarrassing given what I do now.

Anyway, I know who on the Greek pantheon could see the future, but my mythology is weak, and we didn't really go to church either when I was a kid, so I have no clue if any of you are prophets. Maybe, we could try working together.

I should be free to travel, now that the semester's over and I have all my grading done. If all else fails, there's always Skype.

It sounds really silly, but maybe we can find out something that would suggest a solution.


Fucking shit. If they've gotten sentient enough to start sending me e-mails, I think I'm fucked.

tHeRe. I played along. I did the registering thing. I posted. Now please, stop.

Current Mood: aggravated
Current Music: Intense Demonic Attacks - Venetian Snares
Hada Morgenstern ◊ Esther [userpic]

Wonderful. Just when I thought that they were going to try and get back to important issues... A bill is being proposed now that would require all of us to register ourselves as godlings. With our names, addresses, and powers. So the entire world would know who we are, where we live and what we can do.

I promise, I'm doing what I can to fight it.

Current Mood: aggravated
Dorian Alexander Cyrus    ҉    Apollo [userpic]

Happy birthday to you, my dear Erato. And many more of great joy.

Current Mood: cheerful
Galen Alistair Oram ɫ Asclepius [userpic]

Melpomene--Paean told me the news. He's got you set up to come in for an appointment at two on Friday. I don't suggest trying to get out of it. You know how he can be.

Something tells me that Melpomene isn't the only one with a bun in the proverbial oven. All things considered, we should probably have the numbers on record, in case the Anti-Godling squads come looking for us. How many of you ladies are also expecting?

Current Mood: busy
metemmods [userpic]
Heard on the News...

In Washington

"...yes, I absolutely believe that these... things are a menace to America. Their very existence is an attack on the American Bill of Rights, forcing millions of Americans to be told that their beliefs are wrong. And that just cannot be allowed. We need to set up watchgroups. At the very least, we need to identify, tag and monitor them. They could come from anywhere at any time, and God only knows what havoc they can cause."

--Roger Warren, Head of the Joint Chiefs of staff, at a press conference.

In Alabama

"...Well, it is simply un-Christian for these people to be saying and doing what they are! Trying to put themselves before God and Jesus! Affecting our weather patterns and causing miracles? We here at the Foundation promise that we will fight to put an end to all this, so help us God!"

--Mimi Osmond, leader of the Foundation for Christian Families

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