Sep. 13th, 2009 @ 10:45 am Goth Gardening
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“Bewilderingly, there is a comm called "Goth gardening." (How the hell do you do that? Plant only black flowers? Weed out the beds at night? Think depressed thoughts while you water the rows and watch the little saplings grow happily? Plant vegetables in graveyards? Fertilise with the ashes of dead loved ones?)”

Context wears patchouli perfume.
Apr. 18th, 2008 @ 07:36 pm Dream logic in the real world
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...what was with the dream we were just having? You know the one. Where I was in a production of Jesus Christ Superstar with Remus Lupin on a ship with a banana tree, and I was making banana cheesecake.

Silly brain. That makes no sense at all. You know I hate baking.

[info]emiime knows what to do with bananas.
Mar. 20th, 2008 @ 10:50 pm OTP!
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Current Mood: amused
Current Music: Bowling For Soup - Sad Sad Situation

In [info]07refugees, [info]lavendertook explains why it's a strike:

I've been writing the strike/boycott--maybe I should put OTP after that? :-P

Context is QWP and OTP!
Mar. 1st, 2005 @ 08:23 am
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"You ask God to do something, and he'll even do it, wait to do it, or not do it. Depending on the situation and way things should go."

The eloquent [info]bri explaining why some things happen and others don't.