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April 18th, 2009

Poll on Recs - Fun! Take! Also, Pimp my poll!

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I made a poll - in two parts, actually - on Recs.

Part I. Recs: Who/When/Why? is here at my IJ. It asks about how often you follow recs, like to see them, who and what they're good for, and so forth. Plus, ticky boxes!

Part II. Recs: What? How? is here at my IJ (the following post). It asks: "On a scale of 1 (NEVAH) to 5 (OMGYES) with 3=*shrug*, I like to see recs that .... " and then there are various extensions, such as "I like recs that:
... include some rating of how much you liked it (stars or such)
... quote some of the fic
... do not say it's OMG PERFECT if it isn't
and more!!!

I would *love* for a bunch more people to take it. So far, the 15+ answers are indicating some very solid trends regarding how much detail, of what kinds, a "good" rec should have (to be widely interesting). But there are some fascinating splits in opinion too, as well as a few surprises.

There are many reasons people like recs. Most say they like a lot of them - at least one or two every day - yet most fans admit they only "sometimes" go read or view the recced work.

Why is this? Are recs being presented in ways that could work better? Do they reach the right people? Mention the right things?

Please take the survey and help fill in the picture! Thank you so much. I will compile the results in a while, or if anyone else wants to do things with them, collaboration would be FTW! Both polls are public, and wide open for comments.
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Poll on Recs - Fun! Take! Also, Pimp my poll!

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I made a poll - in two parts, actually - on Recs.

Part I: Who/When/Why? is here at my IJ.

Part II: What? is here at my IJ (the following post).

I would *love* for a bunch more people to take it! So far, the 15+ answers are indicating some very solid trends regarding how much detail, of what kinds, a "good" rec should have (to be widely interesting). But there are some fascinating splits in opinion too, as well as a few surprises.

There are many reasons people like recs. Most say they like a lot of them - at least one or two every day - yet most fans admit they only "sometimes" go read or view the recced work.

Why is this? Are recs being presented in ways that could work better? Do they reach the right people? Mention the right things?

Please take the survey and help fill in the picture! Thank you so much. I will compile the results in a while, or if anyone else wants to do things with them, collaboration would be FTW! Both polls are public, and wide open for comments.
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