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July 27th, 2008

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July 27th, 2008

Back to Basics: Slash Thoughts

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When I first started reading slash, it was Kirk/Spock, generally Pon Farr or "forced to perform for the aliens" stories. Then I lost track of fanfic for a long stretch, then I was introduced Harry Potter fic--a Snape/Harry AU slavefic where Voldemort had won the war. (I likes it dark.) Eventually, after reading hundreds of HP stories and dozens of Trek:TOS stories, and a handful of other fandoms, I started looking at *everything* through "slash goggles."

I never see a TV show or movie without deciding which characters are most slashy (House/Wilson, Dent/Wayne), and which would be interesting but not particularly believable (Chase/Foreman, Joker/Gordon). By "believable," I mean of course "as a relationship;" any two characters could ingest the sex pollen and bang, there we have it.

My husband will never forgive me for this, for pointing out slashy pairings in commercials. (I mean, commercials for movies, not ones that have their own slashy pairings. I have got to get around to writing that Geico caveman fic.)

So--as this is a "spark conversation" post, not a "what elf thinks about slash" post:
  • Do you wear slash goggles?
  • Do you put them on sometimes and take them off at others, or are they permanent implants?
  • Have you discovered clash-of-slashvision with friends, where you saw entirely different reasonable pairings from a show?
  • Did you run across a fic or essay that made you completely reconsider a pairing?
  • Are there crossover pairings you're dying to read, but you know nobody is going to write?
  • Have any other slash-related thoughts you've been wanting to share, but considered the subject too basic to write "official meta" about?
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