MetaMetaMeta on the TableTableTable

July 20th, 2008

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MetaMetaMeta on the TableTableTable


July 20th, 2008

OTW discussions

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Reposted & slightly expanded from a comment in a thread at LJ, because I'd like to see a broader range of discussion on the topic.

There's a new round of [info]metafandom discussions about the OTW, sparked by the NPR interview with Rebecca Tushnet. My husband heard it; he said it made fanfic sound very normal--a hobby with some exotic fringes, which sounded like "suburban ladies hire a stripper for a bachelorette party," not like "weird lesbian sluts corrupting cultural icons." Anyway. OTW went public, which stirred up some controversy. (I haven't heard the interview; I missed it on NPR, and I can't listen to their stuff--it's streaming sound only, which is incompatible with dialup.)

The discussions about the interview have hit several journals. Some pro-OTW, some anti-OTW, some WTF-is-OTW. And a lot of the anti-OTW post have screened or blocked comments that are either pro-OTW or argumentative about terminology (which is not always the same.)

Thoughts on the Pro/Anti OTW discussions )
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