[Archive] Meta Roundup: Fannish Stuff of Interest

May 2010

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January 25th, 2008


[fixed post] Index and Promo Asylums / Links to Master Lists


This post will get updated regularly. It's going to include meta-ish asylums, indexes/directories or master lists, as well as newsletters and asylums where you can promote your own IJ communities. (I.e., I won't mention new asylums in the roundup issues, but instead include a note that this post has been updated.) I recommend bookmarking it for future reference. A copy of this post will get mirrored on my personal journal here.

Note: RPG-related indexes are included. So are non-fannish asylums when they serve as directories or information hubs. Main goal is to help people navigate IJ, with or without specific fandoms in mind.

Promoting asylums / Friending )

Existing Directory/Index Asylums: Multifandom )

Fandoms A - Z )

Fandom-related feeds on IJ )


Issue #50


[info]mirabile_dictu: PEDTM: day twenty-four: love and the internet: "Shirky closes his talk with, "We have always loved one another. We're human; it's something we're good at." I think that's true. It doesn't mean we're not at times horrible to each other, and it certainly doesn't mean we don't disagree vehemently with each other. But I think it helps explain the existence of fandom."

[info]happier_bunny: Weighing In: "Not everyone is going to like everything and a critical discussion of someone's work DOES NOT translate into a request that it not be written. It also doesn't translate into: I don't like you."

[info]branchandroot: What is ‘in character’?: "But let me simplify it a little and specify more: should one stick with information presented in the anime/manga, which is frequently contradictory; or information presented in guide/info books, which often provides more background detail but may, again, be contradictory; or information pertaining to real life?"

[info]telesilla: so if your characters wrote fanfic... "...what would they write?"

[info]aristoboule created a poll about writing/RPing original characters and/or fandom characters.

[info]sherlock explains how to tweak the new Worksafe site scheme (sidebar) with Firefox and Stylish.


As usual, you can leave links to meta entries by commenting here or on the screened comments entry. General questions can be asked on the FAQ post. :)