Feb. 10th, 2014


Hello all! My name's Dee. I've played with some of you before, and I'm pleased to be playing with all of you now. You can find me as "hands on heads" on AIM, but note: I'm Australian and available during my working day, so sometimes I can be a little vague because I've been ambushed by things. I will get back to you!

I bring you Fabian Prewett, who left his twin in the lurch on this resurrection thing and is only newly returned. He was a technician on the Daily Prophet printing press, also ex-Hufflepuff, and general mucker-abouter with things. You can learn all about him here. I am keen for all manner of social, work, Order and other relationships, so hit me up! :)

Feb. 8th, 2014


Hey everyone! Christa again, with my fourth, Molly Weasley. I meant to do this earlier (and still have to throw out something for Friday Order Dinner), but I had a bit of a pet emergency and was running back and forth between replies and comforting a sick old rat.

Molly is...well, Molly. Warm-hearted, welcoming, and eager to take care of everyone. All of which are nice things, but she has an unfortunate tendency to take them to a degree at which they become no longer welcome. She's the older sister of Gideon and Fabian Prewett, wife to Arthur, mother of no less than seven mini-Weasleys between the ages of thirteen and two. Fulltime mother and more-than-full-time fretter. Currently housing Gideon and desperately trying to tamp down the urge to harangue him into staying FOREVER. Her brothers dying devastated her, and having them back is something she is still struggling to trust, among other things.

Her profile is here, and she has several ready-made connections, but I'd love to explore some others.

Feb. 5th, 2014


Hello, all!  This is Jeanne, here with #2: Arthur Weasley!  Since he's (hopefully) known pretty well through canon, here are a few things that you might not know...
  • Arthur has been with the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office for more than ten years now, and he's one of only two people in the department.  (He's currently the junior employee there.)  The MMAO is technically part of the DMLE, as well, though Arthur is used to other DMLE folks giving him :| faces at that inclusion.
  • He is the youngest of three sons, but the middle son, Cassius, was a hitwizard killed on the job in 1978.  Ministry folk who have been around for a while would likely remember him.  (I've noted that they never found his killer, but if anyone wants that line, let me know!)
  • Has all seven kids by now, though Bill is at Hogwarts now.
  • His birthday is tomorrow!
Plot?  ♥


Hello everybody! I'm Ginger and I know many of you, but not all.

I bring you Gideon Prewett, the older half of the Prewett twins, who came back from being dead a couple of months ago and is keeping a bit of a low profile for now but is working out what to do with himself. Gid was a sound-charmer with the WWN and before that was Hufflepuff 72. His app is here; I'm looking for all sorts of plot and backstory: Order, friends, professional contacts, not-so-friends, etc., including who the other four Death Eaters besides Dolohov involved in the twins' murder (known or unknown) were.

You can find me at slytherclavian on aim and on email at immlass@gmail.com (also [info]lemniscate is my cdj, and you're welcome to stalk me there). I'm looking forward to playing with all of you.

Feb. 4th, 2014


name analysis

Just killing time on Facebook inbetween classes and found this to be pretty interesting - also extra points for being related to Jewish mysticism a la Rowle's relatives??

Kabala name meanings

Y'all can share which ones are fitting to your characters or use yourselves or whatever! :)

Feb. 1st, 2014


Sorry about going MIA the last few days, guys. I was in a car wreck on Friday, so I've been running back and forth to try and get all of the insurance stuff done and manage to find myself transportation because my car is completely undriveable. I think I have everything done now until the claims adjuster comes on Monday, so I'm going to try and catch up on replies tomorrow once I get some rest.

Jan. 30th, 2014


hi all! proper intro time. i'm shay, i know some of y'all but not all. i'm a 22-year-old baltimorean and currently waiting to see if i got into graduate school, which is my life right now. ;~; unemployed in the meantime, so i watch a lot of tv and practice putting on lipstick. and rp, of course! here are my two kiddos.

under here! )

so excited to be here! give me all your lovin'.

Jan. 31st, 2014


Hello everyone! Kat here. I thought I'd do a proper intro for my kids before I throw them into the deep end.

This is Gawain Robards. He's a '71 Ravenclaw, a halfblood and an Auror. His father is an Arthurian historian and his mother works with the Experimental Charms Committee so some people may know her from there. Gawain is a friendly sort of fellow with a ready smile though he's very ambitious and wants the top jobs within the Aurors/DMLE. He's not that great with getting his paperwork done though. It's a long story. Anyway, his bio is here and does a much better job of explaining Gawain than I just have.

I also have Fenrir Greyback ([info]gerulphus). He's a werewolf. (No kidding!) He's also a former Hufflpuff (1950-1957) of all things and a Muggleborn. He was bitten when he was around 18 and while he never registered, he did try and do the right thing at first. A combination of anger, the reaction of his parents and the inability to get a steady job or accommodation in the wizarding world. So he went rogue and he's been that way ever since. I give fair warning. Fenrir can be an absolute troll and he likes sending random creepy gifts to people just to watch their reaction. I apologise in advance if he does that to your character. You can find out more about Fenrir here.

As for me, I'm an Aussie so I'll be on at interesting times. I can be reached at any time via email (swordkat at gmail) and if you see me online, on AIM at fenrirthekat.) I'm all up for plots/friends etc etc etc.

Jan. 30th, 2014


Hello, everyone! Because I came in late for the intro meme post, I figured I should go ahead and make an intro post in the OOC comm, because I like intro posts.

I know some of you, but for those I don't - I'm Kelsey, I'm a 23-year-old college student studying Creative Writing and Religion in Ohio, and I'm overall not that interesting, so I'm just going to jump to introducing Barty.

This is Barty Crouch Jr, Death Eater and Longbottom-tortuer. Short version of his history: the consequences of his Longbottom torturing were Very Not Good, leading to his arrest, the realization of his worst fears, and a life-long sentence in Azkaban. His mother swapped places with him using Polyjuice, he ended up imprisoned in his father's house under Imperius until the winter of 1983, when he escaped, snuck into the Death Chamber, and began masquerading as one of the Resurrected. It was the hardest thing he's ever had to do. Now he's living in Leeds, working at a second-hand Muggle bookstore and trying not to interact much with the Muggles he works with.

Barty's got a brilliant mind, but it's also a rather damaged one at the moment. He's always had a bad relationship with his father, but it's gotten even more messed up and complicated due to everything that's happened. He's always been fairly paranoid, and he's always had difficulty trusting people, and that's increased - understandably, given everything that's happened to him. The isolation he's gone through (not to mention the Dementors in Azkaban) have left him pretty depressed and lonely - he's actually appreciative of connections to other human beings now, which is a major change in how I've played him before (for I, too, am a one-trick pony).

Aaand I think that's just about it? Except for his AU ballet history, which I totally want to write fanfic about now. His app is here, and I look forward to playing with all of you!

Jan. 29th, 2014



OH HEY Y'ALL. So because I'm weird like that and I like to make an actual intro post and whatnot, I'm gonna' do it! HELLO. To those of you who don't know me, I'm Madeline - I'm a cook, going to school for my culinary bachelor's degree - I'm from California, I love Vietnamese and Thai food, Ginuwine and other 90's r&b are my life passions (along with Kanye West I mean of course), and I bring you three characters! (I had no life during the polar vortex part deux, can you tell.)

Dorcas Meadowes woke up outside the veil saying how the hell did this shit happen aw baby )

Lache pas la papate means don't let go of the potato. )

surprise bitch )

And if you read all that, you're awesome. And deserve a medal. Or I can spam you with gifs instead. So yes, give me all your plots, and bother me with any and all you've got, because I'm super shy about asking for plot and lines with people. SUPER shy. Jess and Sarah can attest to that. But I can't wait to play with all of you, and thanks for having me! <3


Hey, guys!

The game is now open!

Have at it!

Jan. 27th, 2014


Anonymous Character Voice Meme

This is the last meme for Meme Week, and it's likely going to be the most challenging, as it is designed to see whether people can guess your character/characters' voice(s) based solely on anonymous in character responses to questions and interaction. MAKE SURE TO POST ANONYMOUSLY! And interaction is, as always, welcomed.

I'll have a group chat later tonight on AIM, where everyone can discuss the responses and try to guess each character's answer before the big reveal.


YET ANOTHER EDIT: The chat name is mementomorichat.

The Prompts )

Also, as the game opens up Wednesday at midnight, EST, which is just about a day away. I thought that I would take this opportunity to remind everyone that you should make some sort of post with your characters within three days of game opening, or else you will be considered dead on arrival, and you will be removed from the game.


Since I pretty much missed the intro meme, I figured I'd leave a note here as well to help establish connections with other characters.
Hello, I'm Jo, I live in Sweden, I was in Roadmaps for about five minutes and played Lily and Mafalda at Froward.

This is Abeni Savage, pureblood, former Slytherin, former Auror, because she lost the use of her wand-hand. Nowadays she works as a counsellor for the Reassimilation Division of the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, which I can't spell or remember, and have to copy-paste every time. She likes it there, but she liked being an Auror even more (especially hunting Death Eaters). And by 'liked it more' I mean that her whole life revolved around it, and now she feels incomplete.

But if you returned through the Veil in the last two years, she was probably part of the welcoming committee. And if you're an Auror, you might have worked with her during the war. Friends? Enemies? Aurors she still tries to tag along for after work with?

Her bio is here and I really look forward to playing with all of you!


Free for All!

So, I ended up in a Benadryl coma after I got out of work, so I wasn't able to update the meme for yesterday. As a result, today's meme is going to be big.

Today's is going to be a Free-for-All Day! If you have a favorite meme or game, throw it in this entry in a comment. People will respond, and it will be awesome.

Jan. 24th, 2014


Never Have I Ever

1. Everyone is at a big party. I don't know how we fit this many people into one room either, but bear with me!
2. Post an IC or anon comment with a subject that finishes the sentence "never have I ever".
3. If you see something your character has done, reply with them taking a shot! If they've done it many times, have them take many shots or down an entire bottle. Shots do not need to be alcohol.
4. All characters must be honest. It's more fun that way.
5. Bother other people. Demand details. Don't wreck the house, please, and post warnings if things get 18+.

Also, be sure to remember that any IC knowledge gained from here will not carry over once the game starts.

Jan. 22nd, 2014


Veritaserum Meme

OH NO! Your character has been dosed with Veritaserum! Comment with their name and then feel free to take advantage of others in a similarly dosed state.

Obviously, anything in here will not carry over into the game once it starts.



Today officially marks the start of Meme Week. Participation in the memes is completely optional, but they are definitely more fun when more people join in.

The first meme of the week is about getting to know everyone and their characters!

Your Name. Your name.
Plays. Who you play ([info]username)
All About You. 3-5 details about you. Things you're into, where you work, where you live, your worst injury, favorite foods, favorite smell, what you're most excited about in game, what makes you laugh the most, your favorite gif and/or lol cat, your life philosophy, the weirdest thing you own, your overly detailed plans for world domination, etc.

All About Characters. 3-5 things about your character(s). Head canon. Modern day muggle shit they'd be into. Are they a crocheter or knitter. Their favorite foods. What they were like as children. Your character's hero. Any of the above under All About You. Things you love about your character(s). Things you hate about your character(s).


Jan. 20th, 2014


Mod Update!

Hey everyone!

Welcome to Memento Mori! I'm Jessica, and I'll be your mod at this lovely little game. There are just a few quick, exciting, and awesome things that I would like to go over.

1. The game is opening on January 29, which is just over a week away. Feel free to start posting intros and looking for plot with other players and characters.

2. Because we are opening so soon, I'm sure that you have lines that you would like to see filled. Please feel free to start posting requests on our Wanted page.

3. Finally, since we have just over a week until the start of game, Wednesday will mark the start of Meme Week here in the OOC community. Each day during meme week, I will post a new meme for you to respond to in character (ex. Veritaserum meme) or about your character (ex. Random Five Facts). Involvement in this is optional, but it'll be a lot of fun. I hope that this will help you grow more comfortable with playing your character.

In closing, I am so excited that you are all here, and I hope that you will have loads of fun!