M E M E B E L L S 2.0

User: [info]icanhasmeme
Date: 2012-04-14 01:13
Security: Public
Tags:[rated] nc17, [rated] pg13, [rated] r, [type] awkward, [type] choices, [type] crack, [type] dark, [type] fluff, [type] horror, [type] memories, [type] sex, [type] shipping, [warning] possible triggers


- Post your character, name, and series in the subject. Include any preferences as well.
- Go to RNG and enter 1-7 for a scene type, and 1-20 for a scene to play out.
- Have fun!

① Action → Gun fights, bar brawls, fights to the death are all possible scenarios.
② Angst → Characters suffer emotionally or physically from relationships breaking up, death, injury, etc. Hurt and comfort themes are included.
③ Crack → Genderswaps, super powers, sudden compulsions are all possible outcomes.
④ Fluff → Something that is devoid of angst. It's light-hearted and might have the overtone of romance.
⑤ Gen → General fun, things that didn't fit in the other categories.
⑥ Sex → First times, kinks, even dubcon are all possible themes of sex related scenarios.
⑦ Your choice → Think of your own scenario, choose one of the above or make a combo even!

oh so many options )

Shamelessly stolen from Memebells @ IJ

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User: [info]sonickey
Date: 2012-04-06 18:44
Subject: Movie Meme: Captain America
Security: Public
Tags:[rated] pg, [rated] pg-13, [type] awkward, [type] choices, [type] crack, [type] fight, [type] memories, [type] secrets, [type] serious, [type] trust, [warning] possible triggers

Ever wanted to jump right into a movie? Now you can. The following options are from or based off of events during the Captain America movie.

- post with your muse name and fandom in the subject line (along with any preferences)
- tag someone else and roll 1-3 for section and then 1-5 for scenario.
- profit?

options under the cut! )

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User: [info]omggirlonthenet
Date: 2012-03-05 12:44
Subject: It's the end of the line
Security: Public
Tags:[rated] pg-13, [rated] r, [type] awkward, [type] characterization, [type] dark, [type] horror, [type] memories, [type] secrets, [type] serious, [type] trust, [warning] possible triggers

Last Words Meme

Humanity spends way more time than is strictly healthy contemplating death. But right now, for our characters, it's really the most pertinent topic on hand. For one reason or another, your character is going to die relatively soon, and they know it. Face to face with their own mortality, characters are liable to do any number of amusing things. So have at it!

-Post with your character(s). Name and series go in the subject line.
-Pick an scenario and tag around. Go to the RNG if you like.
-OR write up a scenario in your original post and wait for others to tag.

Options under here )

Feel free to make up your own scenario! Any kind of death you can think of is fair game.

[Snagged from DareYouToLickMe on LJ]

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User: [info]mememaker
Date: 2012-01-19 00:20
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public
Tags:[rated] nc17, [rated] pg, [rated] pg-13, [rated] pg13, [rated] r, [type] choices, [type] confession, [type] dark, [type] dreams, [type] hate, [type] horror, [type] love, [type] memories, [type] secrets, [type] serious, [type] shipping, [type] trust, [warning] possible triggers

“The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.”

Sometimes, we don't all get what we want, no matter how much we struggle.

- Post as your character.
- Others respond after going to RNG and rolling 1-10.
- ???
- Profit!

1. scorned;
→ something you did was found out. You murdered someone, stole, lied, maybe you're involved in a relationship you should have never been in. Whatever the case is, you're disowned and outcast for it. Replier can be the one who hates you or wrapped up in the mess with you.
2. addiction;
→ you tried to resist for oh-so-long, but you just can't anymore. Welcome to the world of addiction. Maybe it's drugs, alcohol, sex, or something else entirely, but it's dragging you down. Replier can be attempting to confront you or on the downward spiral too.

3. cursed;
→ you've been cursed forever with bad luck. You can never make it big, you're always injuring yourself accidentally, or losing important things. Basically, whatever can go wrong, will go wrong. Replier can be attempting to help or wrapped up in he bad luck as well.
4. abandoned;
→ you were running from something bad. Cops, an enemy, maybe just an angry attack dog, but you were left behind by the person you thought had your back. Replier can be leaving you or trapped right along with you.
5. injured;
→ by your own hand, accident, or maybe an epic fight, you have been injured badly and need time to heal. Replier can be taking care of you or injured as well.
6. sick;
→ Poisoned, down with the flu, whatever, you're not feeling at the top of your game. Replier can be a caregiver or in the same boat.
7. apathy;
→ you just don't care anymore. You don't want anything, just go through the motions every day if you can even convince yourself to do that. There's nothing magical about life, no light anywhere. Replier can be attempting to help or feeling much the same as you.
8. running;
→ You robbed a bank, shot someone, or whatever you can think of that would get you on the road and running forever. You can never go back. Replier can be pursuing you or running along with you.
9. slave;
→ captured and sold unwillingly into it or you just lost a bet, you are now someone else's absolute and utter slave. You can never go back to how you were, not with how utterly broken you are. Replier can be a purchaser or in a similar situation.
10. random;
→ you want to do your own scene or combine something? Do it here!

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User: [info]morethanfiction
Date: 2012-01-17 17:29
Subject: .011 Sweet dreams
Security: Public
Tags:[rated] nc17, [rated] pg, [rated] pg-13, [rated] pg13, [rated] r, [type] awkward, [type] characterization, [type] choices, [type] crack, [type] dark, [type] dreams, [type] fight, [type] fluff, [type] horror, [type] humor, [type] love, [type] memories, [type] romance, [type] serious, [type] sex, [type] shipping, [type] trust, [warning] possible triggers

D R E A M S ~ M E M E

Dreams are difficult enough to understand. They range from embarrassing, to frightening, to thought-provoking, to just plain nonsensical. You may find yourself wondering what that was all about, or trying to forget about it as quickly as you can. It may be close enough to reality to confuse you, or dream logic may prevail. Whatever the case, the world of dreams is a way to delve into your psyche and deal with what happened to you that day, your fears, and whatever's on your mind.

Except... what's that person doing there?

Potential Trigger Warning!

How It Works:
~ Post with your character, name and fandom in the subject.
~ Others respond to your character.
~ Roll the RNG 1-6 for your situation, from the list below. That's the type of dream your character is having. Or, just pick the one you like the best.
~ The replier has found themselves in your character's dream, able to interact freely.
~ Have fun!

1. sweet dreams
Something like this might not happen too often in your waking life, if ever. You've found the world's largest supply of grape ice cream, you've won the lottery... or, perhaps, you're just having a really good day. Will this person share in your joy or ruin it for you?

2. nightmares
Your worst fears are being visited upon you tonight. Whether it's falling, losing those closest to you, insects, or something particular to you, there's no doubt you'd wake up in a cold sweat if everything went normally. Having this person there isn't 'normal', though. Maybe they can make things better.

3. sexy dreams
Isn't it so awkward when the person you're in bed with suddenly asks why you're dreaming about them in a schoolgirl costume?

4. bizarre dreams
It's hard to categorize this, but it probably seems perfectly natural to you that you need to find the smallest grain of sand in the world to stop an alien invasion up until someone points out how weird that is. And maybe it still seems normal to you even after that. They might be the ones being silly!

5. memories
The mind often revisits important events in one's life. For good or bad, you're back in time, reliving something that stuck in your head. But... that guy wasn't here before, was he? Or maybe he was, but hasn't seen it from your point of view yet.

6. combination/other
Dreams are many and varied. Mix up the flavors, or try something completely different. Wherever your mind will take you is game.

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User: [info]omggirlonthenet
Date: 2012-01-13 20:23
Subject: Good Ending/Bad Ending meme
Security: Public
Tags:[rated] nc17, [rated] pg-13, [rated] r, [type] choices, [type] crack, [type] dark, [type] fluff, [type] memories, [type] serious, [warning] possible triggers

Do you get a happily ever after? Or a 'Rocks fall, everyone dies'? Why not both?

* Post your characters and set up two scenes. One with an ideal setting (They got what they always wanted, hit it big, became rich and famous, etc.) and one with a bad twist of events (They're homeless, everyone hates them, maybe they're even dying!).
* Others respond to one of the two settings (Or both in different comments, if they want!)
* Respond.
* ???
* Profit!!!

Just remember: no ending is set in stone, good endings can turn sour, and bad endings can be made better. Just see where it takes you and enjoy the ride!

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User: [info]mememaker
Date: 2012-01-11 17:15
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public
Tags:[rated] nc17, [rated] pg, [rated] pg-13, [rated] pg13, [rated] r, [type] age related, [type] awkward, [type] characterization, [type] choices, [type] confession, [type] crack, [type] dark, [type] fluff, [type] hate, [type] horror, [type] humor, [type] love, [type] memories, [type] romance, [type] secrets, [type] serious, [type] sex, [type] shipping, [type] trust, [warning] possible triggers


By request, another genderbent meme! In this one, your character has always been the opposite gender and it's nothing unusual at all.

- Post your character's name/series/preferences in the subject line. At least include a description or a picture of what they'd look like as the opposite gender!
- Others go to RNG and roll numbers 1-4 for a scene type and then 1-10 for a prompt.
- Have fun!

cut for length/possible triggers )

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User: [info]memebellmods
Date: 2011-12-22 19:21
Subject: .002 The Random Scenario Meme
Security: Public
Tags:[rated] nc17, [rated] pg, [rated] pg13, [rated] r, [type] age related, [type] awkward, [type] choices, [type] confession, [type] crack, [type] dark, [type] dreams, [type] fight, [type] fluff, [type] hate, [type] horror, [type] humor, [type] love, [type] memories, [type] romance, [type] secrets, [type] serious, [type] sex, [type] shipping, [type] trust, [warning] possible triggers

Extended Edition!

Six different possible scenarios with multiple choices or you can just throw it all out the door and come up with your own! Perfect if you're wanting to play but really want a prompt.

How it works:
1. Post as your character with Name | Series | Preference (in case of smut or if you would like to skip that option). You can choose the scene and prompt yourself or leave it for others to decide.
2. Others respond to your prompt or after going to RNG and entering numbers 1-6 for a scene type and then numbers 1-20 for a prompt.
3. Respond and play it out!
4. Play nice though. If someone doesn't want to play something out, respect their wishes.

1. Angst - Angst indicates heavy/depressing topics. Characters suffer emotionally or physically from relationships breaking up, death, injury, etc. Hurt and comfort themes are included.
2. Fluff - Something that is devoid of angst. It's light-hearted and might have the overtone of romance.
3. Sex - first times, kinks, even dubcon are all possible themes of sex related ideas.
4. Action - gun fights, bar brawls, fights to the death are all possible scenarios.
5. Crack - genderswaps, super powers, sudden compulsions are all possible outcomes!
6. Your choice! - think of your own scenario or choose one of the above, make a combo even!

1. Injury/illness - character has become injured or ill! To what extent is the mun's choice.
2. Last moments - character has been gravely injured and this is their last chance to say their last words.
3. Depression - character is depressed, what actions they take is up to the mun.
4. Betrayed - character has been betrayed by the other. How do they react?
5. Tortured - character is being tortured and needs rescuing or at least a sympathetic ear to help him through it.
6. Jealousy - character is feeling jealous and must deal with it, how will they do it?
7. Breakup! - This relationship has gone as far as it can, it's time to breakup.
8. Broken - for whatever reason, the character is broken, mentally or or physically.
9. Fight - You can't even be in the same room as your friend or lover without arguing anymore.
10. Lost - you lost the biggest fight of your life and now all you can do is try to pick up the pieces.
11. Worst Nightmare - whatever you fear the most is now real or maybe you're just trapped in a dream together, but whatever it is, it feels too real.
12. Addicted - you're addicted to something, alcohol, drugs, sex, whatever. It's destroying your life and you can't do anything to stop it.
13. Hurt You - you're being forced to hurt someone you love either by betraying them or even being forced to shout things you don't mean. It's for their own good in the end though.
14. Separation - you were forced to leave this person for their own safety and while you've been miserable without them, you really didn't mean to run into them again... maybe it was by accident or you were watching them from afar this whole time.
15. Becoming a Monster - different from the crack version, you are slowly changing, becoming a monster. Vampire, zombie, demon, something you can't recover from and no one can help you.
16. Frozen - you are entirely helpless, frozen, to stop some kind of disaster.
17. Prison - you were very bad and now it's time to pay the price by turning yourself in or maybe the law just finally caught up to you.
18. Fear - you're not sure why, but you are suddenly terrified and you can't deal with it. You need help.
19. Hated - you are now hated by the person you loved the most.
20. Down and Out - you're living on the streets, you've hit rock bottom, and you don't know what to do.

1. Cuddling - for whatever reason, characters feel like being close and cuddling.
2. Pillow talk - after the main event, characters are up for some pillow talk.
3. Celebration - anniversary or some other big event is taking place and characters want to celebrate!
4. Love Confession - someone has finally decided to confess their love and today is the day!
5. Appreciation - you feel the need to show appreciation for that person closest to you, even if it's just a pat on the back.
6. Apologies - you made a mistake and now it's time to make it up in some way you know the other can't refuse!
7. Get Back Together - Why did you break up again exactly? Whatever the reason, it was a huge mistake and you both know you can work through it.
8. Date Night - you've planned for a wonderful night together and you can't wait to get it started.
9. Family - you've either found out you're pregnant or you've already got that addition to your family.
10. Marriage - you're just about to get hitched or maybe you're enjoying your honeymoon. Maybe you've been together for years now! Whatever the case, it's time for that next big step.
11. Meeting Again - it's time for that happy reunion finally!
12. Love At First Sight - for whatever reason, you are now insanely in love with the first person you set eyes on.
13. Flirtation - you can't resist to do a little bit of harmless flirtation all of a sudden.
14. In the Snow - Look outside! It's a winter wonderland, so why not go out and play in it?
15. Engagement - you've planned it all out and now it's time to finally pop the question.
16. Friendly Games - you've set up the game station or board games for a friendly competition!
17. Gift - time to give that special someone a gift just because.
18. Recovery - you're taking care of someone who's just recovered from some illness or injury.
19. Healing - time to help mend that someone who's been through hell and back.
20. Better Than Ever - you've finally got everything you've ever wanted here. What is your ideal life and who does it include?

1. First Time - it's your first time together or your first time ever! Enjoy the awkward times!
2. Bondage - You and your partner decide to experiment a little with ropes or handcuffs or whatever you'd like to tie your partner up with.
3. Rough/Aggressive - characters want it rough.
4. Romantic - Slow and gentle, meaningful, that's how characters want it.
5. Dubcon - Character A wants Character B and it doesn't really matter if Character B wants it as bad or not.
6. In Public - Characters feel like taking a risk and doing it in a public place.
7. Roleplay - Naughty nurse fetish? Pirate kink? You and your partner decide to try it out now!
8. Healing - you've both fought hard or gone through a rough time and it's time to get some R&R in.
9. Last Time - this is the last time you're going to this because you're breaking up or maybe your lover is running off to sacrifice their lives in some heroic way. The possibilities are endless, but you better make this one count.
10. Unattached - you're just friends with benefits. Nothing wrong with that, right?
11. Anonymous - you met in a restroom or bar, any location of your choosing, but you don't even know each other's names.
12. Toys - you're eager to try something new, so why not toys?
13. Aphrodisiacs - you've been slipped a strong aphrodisiac somehow and now you absolutely cannot control yourself.
14. Show - you're putting on a show by either doing it right in the club or filming it for a bunch of people.
15. Ménage à Trois - it's time for that threesome you've always dreamed of.
16. Non-penetrative - frottage, handjobs, whatever you want to try out.
17. Controlled - you are under mind control and must do whatever your lover asks of you.
18. Hatesex - it's not just rough or aggressive, you absolutely cannot stand each other.
19. Extreme - fisting, knifeplay, whatever you can think of so long as it tests the boundaries.
20. Fantasy - this is just a fantasy, a dream, and you know it, but what is your ideal fantasy and how willing is your partner?

1. Zombies - it's the zombie apocalypse! Lock and load.
2. Bar Brawl - you had one too many drinks, said something wrong, and now you're being asked to take it outside.
3. Chase - you're caught in a high speed chase!
4. Gun Fight - you're caught in a big shoot out!
5. Fight with a Friend - you're fighting with a friend, all out.
6. Interrogation - you're being interrogated for some offense you've done!
7. Aliens! - Aliens are attacking and you're not going to take your probe laying down.
8. Final Battle - this is it. The battle that will end all the fighting for you. Will you win? Will you get that peace you want?
9. Training - you're not actually fighting, just training for the inevitable.
10. No Hope - you know this fight has no hope. It's not going to end well for anyone involved, but you can't turn away.
11. Sneaking In - you're stealing a diamond or sneaking in to kick some bad guy butt, but whatever it is, you have to practice stealth.
12. Blue Wire - you're faced with a bomb that needs to be disarmed.
13. Fight for Honor - you've been disgraced or someone you care about has, so it's time to fight for honor.
14. Showdown - time for a cowboy-style showdown. Whoever draws the fastest wins.
15. War - you're caught in the middle of a war here. Remember to keep your chin up and keeping fighting.
16. Apocalypse - the apocalypse finally happened and now you're left to scavenge and fight for whatever is left.
17. Sabotage - It's time to sabotage someone's plan! How is entirely up to you. Do you set up a bomb in their toilet? Do you double cross them at the last minute?
18. Big Damn Hero - you know you have to handle this one alone, so that means disarming or knocking unconscious the person who wants to join you.
19. Fight Club - you know the rules... you're in an underground fighting ring and you're fighting with all you've got.
20. Threaten - you've just been sent here to rough them up a little, threaten them into behaving.

1. Genderswap - uh-oh, you're suddenly the opposite gender!
2. Forced confessions - no matter what it is and no matter how hard you resist, you're going to be compelled to spill some deep dark secret!
3. Mind-reading - you've suddenly got the ability to read minds!
4. Animal Features - you're suddenly part animal!
5. Awkward Pickup Lines - you're compelled to use bad pickup lines on whoever is closest!
6. Back In School/Graduated - you're suddenly back in school! Or if you were already in it, you've aged and long since graduated!
7. Vampires, werewolves, and zombies, oh my! - You're suddenly a vampire, werewolf, or zombie! Maybe even a demon or a devil, whatever creepy crawly you can think of. What do you do now?
8. Ghost - you're suddenly a ghost or at least invisible. What are you going to do with this new ability?
9. Awkward Conversations - so did you just fart or what? Any conversation goes, as long as it's embarrassing and awkward.
10. Crossdressing - for whatever reason, you're suddenly dressed in clothes of the opposite gender.
11. Suddenly Naked - oops! Your clothes are suddenly gone.
12. Suddenly a Kid - you're a kid again! Have fun with that second childhood.
13. Fortune Cookie - You've sudenly received a note with something that will happen in the future, either precise or vague.
14. Super Power - and suddenly you're like Superman! Any power goes.
15. Face Off - somehow you've changed faces with the other person.
16. Back in Time - Somehow, you wound up in the past again. Do you try to correct something or just sit and wait for time to jump? Maybe it jumps to various points in your life or maybe you actually think you're back in the day. Have fun, run wild with the idea!
17. To the Future - is it everything you've dreamed? Is it horrible? Whatever happens, you're here to witness what happens to you in the future. Either you take the place of your future self or you're just there to watch. Might cause some confusion if people start seeing double though...
18. Angels, mermaids, and fairies! - you're not necessary something dark or evil. You're just something different. How do you deal?
19. Locked in a closet - for some reason, you're locked up in a closet with someone else. Do you make nice and try to figure your way out or what?
20. Finger Trap - you're caught in a Chinese finger trap... with somebody else! You can't figure out how to get loose either... have fun with that.

Feel free to post more memes! Posting is open to all!

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May 2022