
melusin's stuff


Welcome Post

A home for my fanfiction.

Mostly Hermione/Severus, but there are some Snape centric drabbles here as well. Please follow the links below.

All characters from the Harry Potter universe belong to JK Rowling. I make no money from my dabbling; no infringement of any copyright is intended.


6th February 2010

Having a Ball

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A short ficlet written for mollyssister and morethansirius.

Fic Title: Having a Ball
Word Count:576
Summary:Hermione lacks a dance partner, but lives in hope.

A/N: This is by way of a small thank you to two ladies whose boundless enthusiasm and work for our corner of fandom deserves much praise. Molly, morethan, this would be a poorer place without you. Hope you enjoy this bit of fluff.

Much thanks also to [info]dickgloucester for a lightningly fast beta.

Having a Ball )
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