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the GazettE - Lonely - ONESHOT [ February 13, 2008 · 7:43pm]

[ mood | crappy ]
[ music | the GazettE; Kyomu no Owari Hakozume no Mokushi ]

Title: Lonely
Band: the GazettE
Author: Reila
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
Pairings: Reita/Uruha
Summary: “Jesus Christ, Uruha,” he groaned out, reaching up to rub his eyes before he gave a weary sigh. “What the Hell made you decide to wake me up at the break of fucking dawn?”
Comments: My pairings are bouncing around! Granted, Ruki/Aoi is my OTP (*GASPU!* No more Reita/Aoi?!), but this pairing is too cute to pass up. :3

Reita's eyebrows knitted together in his sleep... )

the GazettE - Unworthy to Love - DRABBLE [ December 20, 2007 · 11:17pm]

Title: Unworthy to Love
Band: the GazettE
Author: Reila
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG-13?
Pairings: Onesided Reita/Uruha; implied Reita/Aoi
Summary: You were constantly there for me whenever I was down, willing to pick up the broken pieces that had fallen. Why was I so blind? [Uruha's POV]
Comments: This was...written for a friend. I hurt her and I regret it. I just hope that, one day, she can forgive me. I never meant to do it. And~ I'm not sure if this is considered a oneshot [it's too short, in my opinion] or a drabble [too long]. Please don't be too harsh; first person point of view is new to me and I want to try something new. n-n;;

Will I be good enough for you to love me again? )

the GazettE - Count the Stars - ONESHOT [ December 20, 2007 · 11:15pm]

Title: Count the Stars
Band: the GazettE
Chapters: 1/1
Author: Reila
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
Pairings: Ruki/Aoi
Summary: Ruki wasn't watching the stars; on the contrary, his eyes were fixed upon the guitarist as he gazed up at the endless skies.
Comments: I got instantly inspired once I was reading Frozen to Lose it All. It isn't a Ruki/Aoi fic, but it still touched me and my Aoi muse. I'm going to try to write a fic based on what I was feeling, so SORRY IF IT FEELS LIKE IT'S NOT GOING ANYWHERE. D: I tried my hardest. AND, I don't understand why, but I picture Aoi like this and Ruki like this. ANYWAY, this fic is dedicated to Koda, because I feel exactly the same way that Aoi does when it comes to her and this is totally to make up for lack of My Life for You updates.
Disclaimer: As weird as it sounds, I don't want to own them. D: They love each other to much. [..A fangirl can dream.]

'It's such a bright night out..' )

[ December 20, 2007 · 11:11pm]

Title: Never Say Goodbye
Band: GHOST; 176BIZ
Chapters: 1/1
Author: Reila
Genre: Romance.
Rating: PG
Pairings: Kousei/Tara
Summary: Tara had returned from his tour the previous night, a cloud of discontentment hanging around him heavily..
Comments: This originally came to me when I first heard Tara was leaving 176BIZ a while back, but it kind of expanded when I found out that GHOST was breaking up, too. I love this pairing so much and this was an idea that wouldn't let me rest until I wrote it. This is dedicated to my Saga-tenshi~ ♥
Disclaimer: Kousei would bite me for trying to keep Tara. u-u;

Innocence, pure innocence was what Kousei saw when he first laid eyes on Tara... )

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