Nov. 6th, 2007


When the Bonds Break part 3

TITLE: When the Bonds Break part 3
RATING: R (descriptions of violence, horrific images)
SUMMARY: AU inspired by a K-Pop video on YouTube

Someday you will ache like I ache... )
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Oct. 31st, 2007


When the Bond Breaks part 2

TITLE: When the Bonds Break part 2
RATING: R (language)
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This part ended up being much longer than I intended, but it worked, so there you go. I'll work on this some more in the next day or two... Yazuu's next part is relatively short (at least in my head it is), then the part with Rufus may get me killed. :-p

There were more vehicles in front of the church than Cloud was comfortable with )
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Oct. 23rd, 2007


When the Bond Breaks

TITLE: When the Bonds Break
RATING: PG-13 (language, descriptions of violence)
SUMMARY: AU inspired by a K-Pop video on YouTube

Tifa hadn’t wanted to kill the intruder... )
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Jul. 30th, 2007


Treasured Memories

Title: Treasured Memories
Author: [info]jlsigman
Characters: Sephiroth, with guest appearances from JENOVA and Rufus Shinra
Rating: Worksafe
Disclaimer/claimer: I do not own Sephiroth, JENOVA, or Rufus, SquareE does. I did create the woman and the proto-Turks.
Summary: Sephiroth has one brief time of a normal childhood.
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