Sep. 1st, 2007


Pickup Line

Title: Pickup Line
Rating: NC17
Warnings: masturbation, talkin’ dirty
Word count: 788
Summary: The best phone sex is not a spectator sport.
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII, Rude/Reno: Talking someone to orgasm - over the wire and into the darkness.

Rude leaned back against the support pillar, the abandoned highway a pale ribbon overhead.

Bringing Back the Porn! - x-posted

Jun. 22nd, 2007



Title: Care

Author: GuiltyRed

Rating: totally worksafe

Warnings: none

Word Count: 850

Summary: A glimpse inside the silent Turk.

A/N: This fic ends just before “Advent Children” begins.





x-posted to [info]ffvii_fandom