November 24th, 2007

[info]guiltyred in [info]materia_play

Holiday Crackfic Teaser

Come. Read. Laugh. Stay for brownies.

This year, my serial Christmas crackfic is taking over the world of FFVII: Advent Children. It's about family and friendship and -- oh, who am I kidding? It's spoofage of the most bizarre sort, and it'll get you right through the last frantic shopping days before Christmas.

Each day, every day, from the first through the twenty-fifth, another chapter in the misadventure will be posted at [info]guiltyred_fics. Admission is free, and drink warnings are in effect: any damage to electronics from splerkage is not my responsibility, though I'd love to hear about it.

And now, my post-Thanksgiving present to you: The Teaser

Stay tuned.

[x-posted to [info]remnant_bin, [info]ffvii_fandom, [info]ffvii_yaoi]