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[07 Mar 2014|08:30am]
To: Janet
From: Hank
Date: March 7th, 2014

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[07 Mar 2014|09:00am]
To: Lorna
From: Alex
Date: March 7th, 2014

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[07 Mar 2014|09:03am]
Who: Hannibal and Neena
NPCs: IDK. Maybe.
When: March 7th, 2014 - late at night
Where: Chicago
What: Hannibal mistakes Neena for a vampire. This is likely to go badly for Hannibal.
Rating: TBA

He shouldn't in fact be think about anything other then what he was doing. Which was trying to trail a remarkably pale skinned woman... )
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[07 Mar 2014|09:20am]
Who: Madison, Lil, Misty Knight
NPCs: A Wendigo. Yes. You read that right.
When: March 8th, 2014 [forward dated a day]
What: Madison, Lil and Misty are on a road trip through the Canadian wilderness. They meet a Wendigo. Canada is weird, yo.
Rating: TBA

Yes, Madison may have been having a dream about Canadian wildlife. As one did. )
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