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[10 Feb 2014|12:42am]
Who: Jean Grey
NPCs: Scott Summers
When: 2/9 - late night
Where: Xavier School - Their Room
What: The state of marriage for Jean and Scott.
Rating: PG

They had long since become used to this as part of their daily routine )
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[10 Feb 2014|06:42am]
To: Felicia
From: Peter
Date: Feb. 10, 2014

Inbox [3] )

To: Matt
From: Peter
Date: Feb. 10, 2014

Inbox [3] )
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[10 Feb 2014|06:47am]
Who: Sue & Reed Richards
When: Feb. 10, 2013
Where: Reed's Lab, Baxter Building
What: Sue has been in and out of the Baxter Building and comes to check in on Reed. She notices something about his readings and talks to Reed about it.
Rating: Low

Upon entering his lab, she found it empty. )
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