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[11 Jan 2014|03:40pm]
Who: Carol Danvers (Open if someone wants to pop in)
When: Jan. 11, 2014, Afternoon
Where: Avengers Mansion, Gym
What: Carol takes a break from packing for her trip to work out some stress in preparation.
Rating: PG-13

Last year she was recovering in rehab, this year was her first time really handling it on her own. )
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[11 Jan 2014|05:06pm]
Who: Jono and Jubilee
NPCs: None
When: Backdated about a week or so
Where: The basement
What: First meetings
Rating: TBD

All for the love of safety )
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[11 Jan 2014|10:13pm]
Who: Amara and Jono
NPCs: ---
When: 1/12
Where: Xavier School Gymnasium
What: Amara finishes training and runs into one of the new transplants.
Rating: PG-13

She still had a vivid recollection of what it was like to be the new person )
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