17 December 2009 at 05:13 pm
[Guybrush has found his way to the kitchen, and is now rummaging through his findings. And of course, he doesn't know how the doohickey on his head works, so all of his muttered observations are audible to the world.]

Hmm... This feels... potentially edible. I'm not entirely sure I trust it, though. It sort of smells like rotten grog. ...Though admittedly, you can't really taste the difference with grog.

... Ewww, no. I wouldn't eat that unless the only alternative was to nibble on LeChuck's unwashed zombie beard. ...I hope I never get into a situation like that.

... This could be tasty! Though much better with some maple syrup smothered all over it. Mmmm.... Guess I'll save it for when I find some maple syrup. [The sound of cloth rustling can be heard.]

Now, what else have we got here...
23 November 2009 at 05:47 pm
[there’s some microphone popping as it gets tapped with a finger] Hello? Hellooo? Testing, testing, one, two…

[then takes a moment to breathe heavily and ominously into the microphone, then coughs suddenly and clears his throat.] Wow, that was weird…

Captain’s Log. Date: Unknown. Location..... Also unknown. Which is, needless to say, just a little unnerving.

I’ve found myself in a strange new place. Everything is… horrendously clean around here. It’s ridiculous! No self-respecting pirate would ever want to end up in a place as horrifyingly clean as this place is. It almost reminds me of… of porcelain. Heaven preserve me… And of course the smell around here is just… eyuucch. It burns the nose right off.

But I’ve got to find a way out of here. Luckily, I still seem to have some of my… [there’s the sound of cloth rustling] …Heyyy. What the heck am I doing with this rubber chicken? I thought I threw it out…

[more rustling] …Hey! All my cool stuff is gone! Man, now I have to start all over…

Elaine is gonna kill me…